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Beyond the Euro, against neo-liberalism

International meeting Rome, 24-25 Jan 2015
Saturday, 24. January 2015 - 14:00 to Sunday, 25. January 2015 - 17:00
close to Termini central station, upon request
The default of Lehman Brother in September 2008 rocked the global neo-liberal system which is characterised by the absolute predominance of the speculative and predatory finance striving to dismantle the gains achieved by the popular masses after the WWII.

Facing the crisis the tiny and omnipotent global oligarchy so far did not change paradigm. To overcome the problems they even radicalised the neo-liberal policies which had led to the systemic collapse. A new and even more devastating disaster is looming.

It is not by accident that the European Union is the epicentre of the systemic crisis. This stems from its very structure, from the criteria on which the common market and the single currency has been built.

Despite the obvious insustainability of the Euro, the rulers have been doing whatever possible to keep the single currency alive. The consequences for the people are devastating especially for those considered peripheral. To avoid decline and destruction leaving the Euro and the European Union as well as regaining national sovereignty are for many countries necessary decisions though not sufficient ones.

There are, however, different ways to exit the Euro zone and the Union.

The objective tendency eroding the EU is nurturing various antagonistic impulses. Reactionary movements have gained ground proposing national-liberalist or even neo-fascist solutions.

Although the main enemy has been and remains being the eurocratic bloc, we regard it as our duty to stop the ascent of the reactionary right wing.

To do so the political parties and social movements which want to inextricably link national sovereignty, democracy and social equality, that is fraternity between the peoples, need to take the lead in their countries.

There are many hurdles ahead which we can only overcome by co-ordinating and unifying our forces on the European level.

The first step was taken at the occasion of the European forum in Assisi last August where a common programmatic declaration to exit the Euro has been adopted. It concluded by calling for a new international meeting to be convened as soon as possible.

It will eventually take place on 24-25 January, 2015, in Rome where in 1957 the EU took its very first step.

All the democratic, socialist and revolutionary anti-Euro forces are wholeheartedly invited to participate, to speak up and to contribute with their ideas in the hope that the meeting will serve to build a larger and more solid anti-Euro front.

There will be two sessions followed by a press conference.

Jan 24, 2pm: development of the social and economic crisis with national reports

Jan 25, 9am: building a European co-ordination

Jan 25, 3pm: media conference held by the participating delegations

Italian Leftist Co-ordination against the Euro (Coordinamento nazionale sinistra contro l'euro)

Following organisations have announced their presence:

• Mouvement politique d’émancipation populaire (M’PEP, Political Movement for the Emancipation of the People), France

• Frente Cívico (FC - Civic Front), Spain

• Ενιαίο Παλλαϊκό Μέτωπο (EPAM, People's United Front), Greece

• Σχέδιο Β (Plan B), Greece

• Personenkomitee “Euro-Austritt” (Committee Euro Exit), Austria

• Initiative e.V. Duisburg, Germany

For participation contact: info@sinistracontroeuro.it

Source: http://sollevazione.blogspot.it/2015/01/incontro-internazionale-roma-24-...