
Syria is experiencing the most dramatic crisis in its history. The option for a military solution, which does not take into account the revolt’s calls for the freedom and dignity of the Syrian people, has led to the spread of violence, the loss of too many human lives and generalized destruction.
Mohamed Aburous and Wilhelm Langthaler
Salameh Kaileh
Salameh Kaileh is a Palestinian-Syrian author, political activist and Marxist intellectual representing the Syrian Left Coalition. He was arrested anew on April 24, 2012. Having been tortured, he was eventually deported from Syria where he had spent three decades and out of that eight years in prison.
Haytham Manna is the foreign representative of the “National Co-ordination Body for Democratic Change” (NBC) and as such one of the most vocal and prominent figures of the Syrian left as well as of the anti-imperialist wing of the current democratic people’s movement.
All Syrians follow the huge revolutionary developments which overwhelmed the capital Damascus in the past two days, knowing that what the media covers is less than what happens in the uprising capital. It confirms the persistence of the revolution and its marsh towards victory. Everybody can see the weakness of the regime, the dispersion of its forces and its tendency towards disintegration.
Mi, demokratikus, békeszerető és antikolonista gondolkodó emberek komolyan aggódunk a szíriai konfliktus eszkalációja miatt. Különösen fenyegető a nemzetközi beavatkozás, a polgárháború, amely mind Szíria, mind Palesztina és az elnyomott népek kárára válhat az egész világon.
Interview conducted by Wilhelm Langthaler
In a telephone interview conducted by the Anti-imperialist Camp on May 31, Michel Kilo, a senior democratic activist, put the blame for the massacre on the Assad regime. “All evidence points to a shelling by the army and near distance killings by the Shabiha militia.”
Carlos Varea, Santiago Alba, Moreno Pasquinelli, Wilhelm Langthaler
The Annan plan is not able to stop the repression and the killing – as the last massacre in Houla has shown. The political responsible for this is the Assad regime as it continues to negate the legitimate democratic demands of the Syrian people. It is targeting all political expressions including peaceful demonstrations and all expressions of popular organisation.
As democratic, peace-loving and anti-colonial people we are very much concerned with the escalating conflict in Syria and especially with the growing international meddling which could lead into a confessional civil war to the detriment of the Syrian, Palestinian and other oppressed peoples of the world at large.
Whoever wants to sign pls write to
by Subhi Hadidi
As the Syrian regime is crushing the sons and daughters of its rival and greatest enemy – the uprising, with fire and all lethal weapons, some “friends” of the uprising around the world are scrambling against it as well, under countless flimsy banners, pretending to support it, and demanding financial and military support. In fact they do not serve the peoples’ movement as much as it pours in the regimes benefit.


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