Position of the Syrian revolutionary left regarding dialogue with the dictatorial regime
Revolutionary Left Current in Syria
We witnessed at the beginning of this year, two important events regarding the activities of the Syrian opposition. Firstly, the National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change’s (NCCDC) meeting in Geneva in which this latter returned at its conclusion to reach an understanding with some conditions for a dialogue with the ruling junta regime. The second event was the initiative of Sheikh Maaz Khatib, head of the National Coalition, who also suggested a conditional dialogue with the regime.
Indian judicial system driven by Hindutva
Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF), India
We condemn the Indian government in the strongest possible terms for hanging Mohammad Afzal Guru at Tihar Jail in a dastardly manner. The process of his arrest, trial, his sentencing by the lower court and the upholding of the death sentence by the Supreme Court, the rejection of his petition to the president, denial of his right to a judicial review of this rejection, and finally his secret hanging – all point towards the farcical nature of Indian judiciary and the complicity of the entire present political system in persecuting political dissidents.
Conference for a Democratic and Civilian state
Proceeding from a deep belief in the necessity to protect Syria's land and people, and in the face of the risk of the destruction of national unity resulting from a corrupt dictatorial regime over sequential decades, the democratic national figures and organisations at this meeting commit to rescue Syria from a catastrophic situation, and put it on a safe path through the unification of societal forces based on democracy, pluralism and equality, gaining the support of all international and Arab external forces for the righteous demand of the Syrian people in toppling the dictatorial regime, and the establishment of a civil democratic State proceeding from the following tasks:
Committee against Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq, Spain
CEOSI statement in support of the Iraqi revolution
Syrian International Conference, Geneva 28-29/1/2013
This conference notably acknowledges the existence of the "other opposition" which led the opposition movement against the regime at the beginning of the Syrian uprising in March 2011, and which has subsequently been marginalized by Arab and Western powers who have instead supported those from the Islamic right-wing and new liberal approach.
As Jews of conscience, we call on all supporters of social justice to stand up for Palestinian Right of Return and a democratic state throughout historic Palestine — “From the River to the Sea” — with equal rights for all.
... and why it should elicit a positive response
Wilhelm Langthaler
The interview released by Syrian vice-president Faruq al-Sharaa is a strong signal from the regime’s side that they are eventually interested to commence a political process. In his statement, Sharaa not only insisted on a political solution (this is not new, there are many such statements from the regime), but also specified that no side can win militarily, and thus both sides will have to cede positions. That means that there is a readiness for concessions which until now could not be detected (this is indeed the new element in the situation).
Interview with Orwa Haj Yousef, spokesman of the Syrian “Unity Brigades” and the “Current for National Unity”, its political wing
Interview conducted by Wilhelm Langthaler
This movement is mainly composed of civil political activists of the democratic movement who, according to their self-understanding, were forced to take up arms for self-defence. They continue to defend the primacy of politics over military affairs, the people over the armed groups. They fight against sectarianism and advocate a political solution. Their appearance is an indicator of the political differentiation within the Syrian opposition.
Reciprocating Mursi’s error or using it to push ahead democratization
by Wilhelm Langthaler
Mursi might have thought that he could ride the wave of his diplomatic success over Gaza to score some points at home: Moving against the abhorred judges of Mubarak, he seemed to be sure of the overwhelming popular support to unilaterally finalize the constitutional process blocked by the old regime.
for a political solution of the Syrian conflict
Delegation: Campell (...), Gabriel, Pissias, Reymann, Vera (...), Bendana, Fanon
This initiative consists in calling for a delegation of high-ranking personalities with international public lives to go to Syria in order to discuss the current situation with the main political actors and to pave the way for a negotiated political solution of the armed conflict in Syria which seriously threatens world peace and the existence of Syria as an independent and sovereign nation.
