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Hunger striker Huyla Simsek fell martyred

3. September 2001


The Death Fast is in its forth season. The 63rd martyr has fallen. There is no inside or outside; all of the country is an F-type. We will resist.
The Death Fast resister and TAYAD member Huyla Simsek fell martyred on her 286 day of Death Fast.
She was born in Erzincan on 04-03 1963. She completed her primary and secondary education in Erzincan and then migrated to Istanbul. She completed her teacher training and became an embroidery teacher.

She met with revolutionaries after her brother Zeynel Abidin Simsek was arrested. She became active in TAYAD and became the editor of the TAYAD journal Tutuklu Aileleri.

When the Death Fast started she started her solidarity fast in Bursa. After the massacre on 19-22 December she was arrested and taken to Kartal F-type prison where she continued her fast. She was released after 25 days and on her release she went to the Armutlu district area of Istanbul to continue her fast with other TAYAD members and released prisoners.
On 31st August at 12:30 Huyla Simsek became immortal. On Friday night the people of Armutlu had a torch-lit procession in her honour and her funeral took place on Saturday morning.

TAYAD Committee London
