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Anti War Committee Pakistan formed

9. January 2003

by: Farooq Tariq, member

Several civil and political organizations have decided to form an Anti War Committee Pakistan. The committee will organize the movement against American imperialism planed attacks on Iraq.

The decision was taken at a meeting attended by over 40 activists from different range of organizations at Education Foundation office on 23rd December. An 18 member committee was elected to organize the committee activities. The meeting also decided to organize a demonstration in front of American Consulate on 18th January 2003. The Asian Peace Forum had issued an appeal to organize a day of action.

The view at the meeting was that the religious fundamentalist have been in the forefront of organizing movement against the Americans aggression although they hand have been tied up with the imperialists. They are not really anti imperialists forces but are able to convince the masses to some extent in this regard. While the progressive forces have consistently campaigns against the imperials but are not able to unite the forces in time. They were not able to show even the unity that religious fundamentalist different groups have shown despite a lot of differences.

“We must take organizational an political steps to unite the progressive, radical and Socialist forces to organize a campaign against the war and globalization” was the general feelings of the meeting.

The meetings was attended by activists of Peoples Party, Peoples Party Shaheed Bhotto, Labour Party Pakistan, Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party, Saraiki National Party, Education Foundation, Tehreek Bedari, Action Aid Pakistan, Democratic Labour Federation, Pakistan Printing and Graphic Workers Union, All Pakistan Professors and Lecturers Association, Joint Action Committee, People Thinkers Forum and prominent radical individuals. The meeting was chaired by Nazim Husnain, chairman of Joint Action Committee of teacher, students and doctors. The meeting decided to elect Furukh Suhail Goindi as secretary of the committee. The meeting decided to involve more political and social organization in the committee.
