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Daily demonstration against war on Iraq in Pakistan

9. January 2003

by: Yousaf Baluch

Mass Rally on 18th January

Anti War Committee decided today on 8th January to organize daily demonstrations in Lahore till 18th January. On 18th January, a mass rally is been planned to end at American Consulate. Speakers at seminar organized today on 8th January by AWCP, discussed strategy and political program for the movement. Over 150 activists from 27 organization participated in the seminar.

AWCP is an umbrella organization of 27 progressive political, social, professional and trade unions organization. It brings together all the Left groups and parties in Lahore to unite against the American imperialism possible war on Iraq.

Speakers from different political parties agreed on an anti imperialism agenda linked with anti capitalist globalization. They agreed not to bring any of the religious fanatic parties in this movement. “It is fanatic`s strategy of terrorism that has given an excuse to the American and other imperialist forces to go on offense against the third world and particularly the Islamic world. “Terrorism against terrorism is no solution” was the main arguments presented by the speakers.

Speaking on the occasion, Abid Hasan Minto president of National Workers Party termed the American aggression as sheer gangsters that must be opposed by all. Supporting the call not to bring any fundamentalist group in the Anti War Committee he said that falling of twin towers in New York was not an act of anti imperialism. Praising the international movement against the war, he stressed the progressive forces to join together and put pressure on Americans to abandon the course they are taking at present. “The AWCP will bring together the real hope of peace and a plate form of unity for the progressive forces in Pakistan” he said.

Farooq Tariq, general secretary Labour Party Pakistan said that only Left forces were consistent in their opposition of the American imperialism. “It is us who can proudly say that we are the genuine revolutionary forces against the Americans imperialism” The religious fanatics are the new kind of fascist who is for more war and less peace. He said that unfortunate,´it is only in Pakistan where the right wing forces are in the lead against the American imperialism and not Left forces. But we have to change that, he said.

Furakh Suhail Goindi, secretary general of AWCP presented the course of action that should be taken by the committee. He said daily demonstration till the big rally on 18th should be organized at Regal Chouck at 3pm. He said we must preserve the unity of the class.

Speakers from Joint Action Committee, Anjaman Mozareen Punjab, Jemhuri Amn Party, Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party, NGO Forum Pakistan, Pakistan Peoples Party, Pakistan Peoples Party Shaheed Bhutto, Campaign For a Peaceful Pakistan, Foundation for Democracy, Democratic Labour Federation and representative of the Christian Community also spoke and agreed to work together for the 18th January rally and against the war.
