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A big Rally against US War on Iraq held in Karachi

1. March 2003

by Communist Workers Peasants Party, Pakistan

Karachi, Feb 28: A big rally was brought out in Karachi today against American aggressive war on Iraq under the smokescreen of “disarming Saddam Hussein”. Thousands of people including women, children, students, writers, film and TV artists, journalists, social workers, doctors, lawyers and political activists, trade union workers and leaders participated in the demonstration for their venom against US imperialist design in the Middle East.
The rally was organized by several organizations under the auspicious of Citizens Committee Against War, in which Communist Workers-Peasants Party, Pakistan (CMKP), Communist Party of Pakistan, Labor Party of Pakistan, National Workers Party, Pakistan People´s Party (Saheed Bhutto), Tehrek-e-Insaf, Irtiqa Institute of Social Sciences, Pen for Peace, Progressive Writers Associations, Karachi University Teachers Association, People´s Struggle Forum. Action Committee for Civic Problems, Sind Awami Sangat, Aurat (Women) Foundation, Pakistan Forum, Revolutionary Railway Workers Union, Pakistan Medical Association, Pakistan Institute of Labor and Research, Karachi Union of Journalists and others participated.
About four hours before the rally had started from Karachi Press Club today, two policemen, posted at the US Consulate General in Karachi, were fired upon and killed and five others wounded by unknown people. Sindh provincial authority exerted pressure on the organizers of the rally to abandon the program on the excuse of the violence but the participants of the rally paid no heed and carried on their set program to demonstrate against American brutal hegemony in the Middle East. The rally passed through the main busy commercial streets of Karachi, where the people cheered the participants and many joined the rally as a mark of solidarity with the participants against American savage war on Iraq, to reshape and control the Middle East
Participants of the rally were holding banners, white flags (a symbol of peace against war) and placards, expressing anger and anguish against US barbaric war of aggression against Iraq in quest of control over Iraqi oil. They were repe atedly raising slogans to condemn new breed of American Nazism and were chanting for peace. A symbolic coffin of George W. Bush was put on fire at the end of the rally on which they in one voice thundered “Down with US imperialism and death to war mongers”
