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Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic!

12. May 2003

by: SLOBODA / FREEDOM; demonstrations at The Hague, on St.Vitus Day, June 28, 2003

Joining the initiative of our people from Diaspora worried for the future of our country and the call of the Organizational Committee, the only organisation in Serbia that even at the hardest times stands for the defense of freedom, independence and democracy, the Association SLOBODA / FREEDOM calls upon all honest people to the demonstrations at The Hague, on St.Vitus Day, June 28, 2003

The Hague “tribunal” does not serve to justice nor to the United Nations. It serves to the war criminals who broke-up and bombarded our country. There is no institution in the civilized world which violates the human rights and human dignity more than this one. This spy machinery tries to turn our country into a colony, our ministers into its servants and to seal-up our future that way. The obscure interior of the Hague and of Carla del Ponte gave birth to the assassination of Zoran Djindjic, to the State of Emergency in Serbia and to the new sufferings of our people. Let us stop the crime, let us return the freedom and dignity to our people and democracy to Serbia. Let us make a mass, peaceful and proud protest against the machinery which threats to the human and national dignity of all the Serbs and Yugoslavs and which acts in contradiction to the International Law and to all European and International documents about the protection of the human rights. Let us demand:

Freedom for our abducted President Slobodan Milosevic who bravely defends the truth and honor of his people in spite they threaten his life and cowardly attack his family!

Freedom, dignity and democracy for our people, end of campaign of lies about the defenders of freedom and of their Hague confinement, end of blaming us all for NATO and fabricated crimes!

Abolishment of the Hague “tribunal” as an instrument of aggression against our country and of its occupation!

We call upon all the progressive people and organisations in Europe and world wide to join us!

The demos and the struggle for these goals need the financial assistance.
Send a check to our address or transfer your donation to the following account:
Peter Betscher, Account Number (Konto-Nr.): 102013409
Bank: Volksbank Darmstadt, Bank Number (BLZ): 508 90 000, use: defense
