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Syria: Deteriorating Health Condition of Communists Imad Sheiha and Faris Murad

18. June 2003

by Arab Progressive Coalition in North America

We received from the Human Rights Association in Syria (HRAS)( shocking news of the continued arrest and deteriorating health condition of prisoners Imad Sheiha and Faris Murad of the Arab Communist Organization (AlMonazamah alSheyoeyah AlArabeyah).

Imad and Faris have been held for 28years. For the last year both have been prevented from seeing friends and family members who are prohibited from visiting them in their prison at Sydnayah.

According to the report we received from HRAS, Syrian law dictates that their release must be granted after the passing of 25years of their imprisonment. As of yet the Syrian government has not responded to appeals for their release.

We appeal to comrades and concerned Human Rights Organizations to send letters to the Syrian government and their embassies to ask for the release of Imad Sheiha and Faris Murad since they have already spent 28years of their lives in prison.

We ask the Human Rights Association of Syria to help us arrange an international delegation visit to Imad and Faris to check on their condition and to publicize their case.

We ask the Syrian government to look into the necessity of respecting the human rights and health condition of their political prisoners and we appeal to it to release Imad and Faris and allow us to visit them.

Arab Progressive Coalition in North America
