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“The US-Hindutva-Israeli nexus”

9. February 2004

Muslim Organisations in solidarity with Mumbai Resistance 2004

Against imperialism and war
Muslim Organisations in solidarity with Mumbai Resistance 2004

Our county is passing through a critical phase. Communal fascism is on the rise. The growing tide of communalism is being very much supported by the rulers of the county. In fact, it is being abetted by them. Not only this, they are also openly allying with US led imperialist and Zionist forces internationally which have declared war against the people of the world.

The people of the whole world are reeling under the onslaught of globalisation which is destroying the livelihoods of the people not only in the poor and backward countries but also in the advanced ones and whatever that is indigenous, national, patriotic is being destroyed. It is a dreadful aggression on the diversity of the cultures in which the people of the world live.

The Muslim states of the world are being made the special target as, incidentally, these are the lands where most vital natural resources to run the modern economies are found. That is why the war against the people of the world has taken the form of anti-Muslim crusade, as Bush has clearly stated. The wars on Afghanistan and Iraq and the US incursion into Central Asia duly indicate this.

And the Zionists of the illegal state of Israel, which is a settler sate built on the land robbed from the Palestinian people, is carrying on its aggression against the Palestinian and Arab people more viciously than ever. The whole of Palestine has been turned into a huge concentration camp to control all kind of resistance against occupation.

In this way the interests of the Indian ruling elite have coincided with the interests of the imperialists and the Zionists in the local and international context. This is way a US-Hindutva-Israel nexus is emerging.

Similarly, the struggle against communal fascism, imperialist globalisation and war is also fusing into a single movement to confront the common enemies of the Indian people.

Though there are many who raise their voice against these anti-people forces yet some of them are for an uncompromising struggle to smash them and are striving to build a people´s world without imperialism. The organisations associated with Mumbai Resistance 2004 Against Globalisation and War, have declared to abide by this programme and are ready to take the struggle forward unitedly.

We then undersigned organisations and individuals appeal to the people, and especially the Muslim community, to join forces with MR [……]. On the 20th a protest march will be taken [……] to the American consulate. We appeal to all the people to join this march and make it a mammoth show of people´s strength and determination.

Jamait-e-Ulema-e-Hind (Maulana Mustakeen and Gulzar Azmi)
MY INDIA Muslim Youth of India (Feroze H. Mithiborwala, Sayeed Khan, Abdul Shekeel, Shabana Warne, Shabana Khan, Arif Kapadia and Afaque Azad)
Qaumi Majlis-e-Shuran (Meraj Siddiqui)
Ulema Council (Maulana Atahar Ali)
Muslim Intellectual Forum (Sarfaraz Arzu, Syed Iftikhar Ahmed and Muazzam Naik)
Shia Council of India (Maulana Zaheer Abbas Rizvi)
Secular Activists Watch SAW (Adv. Saeed Akhtar, Adv. Qazi Mehtab)
Maharashtra Muslim Lawyers Forum (Adv. Uraizee and Adv. Niloufer Akhtar)
NEEDS (Asif Ali Khan, Prof. I.U. Khan and Salim Alware)
Bazm-e-Niswaan (Gazala Azad)
Lagja (Mehmood Parvez Ansari)
Muslim Backward Council (Mushir Ansari)
Jogeshwari Muslim Front (Munawwar Khan and Farid Batatawala)
Mordern Youth Association (Sajid Sheikh)
All Hind Ekta Comm (Imran Sheikh and Ismail Quereishi)
