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Rally in Karachi against US occupation of Iraq

20. March 2004

American Law of Jungle Condemned

Karachi:(Pakistan), March 20: A well-disciplined large rally against American occupation of Iraq was brought here this afternoon to show solidarity with the Iraqi people, who are heroically and fiercely resisting US imperialism. The rally was also a sign of solidarity with the international community, which has close affinity with the Iraqi people at the hour of their historic anti-imperialistic struggle to liberate their country from foreign yoke. The rally was in line with the call by a large number of anti-imperialist organizations and progressive forces all over the world.

Especially, in response to the call by Hisham Bustani, Jordan: Support the Iraqi resistance on March 20, the Communist Workers Peasants Party, Pakistan (CMKP), took its political obligation for participating in such really against American war of aggression on Iraq. It along with other political activists and anti-imperialist elements actively took part in the rally, which was brought out from the main Karachi commercial center, which terminated into Karachi Press Club. A number of playcards and banners, inscribing anti-imperialist and anti-globalization slogans, were some of the features of the demonstration. The CMKP pledges whole-hearted support to Iraqi resistance to liberate their homeland from imperialist aggressors.

The participants of the rally, charged with high emotion and great fervour raised slogans against the United States for its military aggression on Iraq and its occupation. Bush and Blair were highly castigated for their war mongering. The demonstrators demanded of the United States, Britain and other imperialist allies to leave Iraq and Afghanistan immediately. Some slogans were chanted to condemn American law of jungle, which is bent upon shedding the blood of Iraqi and Afghan people for the oil politics. The Bush administration was abused for its military threat to Iran, Syria Cuba and North Korea including other countries, which do not subscribe to the dictates of Washington. US policy in the Middle East was hammered and Israel was condemned for its barbarism against the Palestinian people, and the US was held responsible for the crime against the humanity and freedom. Pakistani military rulers were warned of dire consequences for conspiring to make Pakistan another Israel. Pakistani military rulers were condemned for the military collusion with US army for operation against the tribal area bordering Afghanistan, in which many innocent people were killed and injured and were forced to leave their homes for their safety.

The demonstrators applauded the decision of the newly elected government of Spain for the withdrawal of Spanish troops from Iraq. They demanded of the US imperialist coalition partners to leave Iraq, Afghanistan and Haiti for the sovereignty of the people, who are the real masters of the destiny, not US imperialism.
