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Mass demonstration in Rome to pull out troops from Iraq

21. March 2004

Anti-imperialists addressed by Iraqi resistance representative

An impressive mass demonstration rocked Rome on March 20 saying no to the aggression on Iraq and demanding the immediate withdrawal of the Italian troops and all other occupation forces. According to the organisers more than one million took to the streets.

Dozens of banners displayed the support to the Iraqi resistance proving that the Italian people is not only against the war but maintains a deep anti-imperialist sentiment.

Hundreds marched within the block of the Committee Free Iraq under a banner reading both in Italian and Arabic: With the resistance in Iraq, for the Intifada in Palestine”. The closing rally of the anti-imperialist contingent took place on Piazza Venezia close to the residence of Berlusconi drawing about two thousand people. The crowd was addresses, among others, by Sammi Alaá, representative of the Iraqi resistance.
