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What is being reproached to the Perugia 5 anti-imperialists?

9. April 2004

Update on the April 1st arrests in Italy

The operation ordered by the Magistracy of Perugia on April 1st led to the arrest of three comrades of the Anti-imperialist Camp (the international spokesman Moreno Pasquinelli, Alessia Monteverdi and Maria Grazia Ardizzone) and two Turkish exiles, supposedly members of the DHKP-C (Avni Er and Zeynep Kilic). This operation is a an attack on the most basic democratic liberties.

The political attack against both organizations is accompanied by legally unsubstantial charges against the comrades.
At present, we are only able to report the specific points of accusation against the militants of the Anti-imperialist Camp contained in the arrest warrant.

First, a truly amusing piece of news: the three comrades are accused of belonging to the “Turkish Association DHKP-C” which “intends to commit deeds of violence aimed at terrorism and subversion of the democratic order in Turkey and elsewhere”.

In other words, Moreno, Maria Grazia and Alessia are supposed to belong to the DHKP-C! And they claim that there is a “democratic order” in Turkey.

According to the accusation, they are supposed to have “acted as follows”:

Maria Grazia Ardizzone, “marrying Er Avni in order to facilitate his settlement in the territory of Italy, and saving him from the danger of being expelled from the territory of the state, setting up her residence at the residence of Er Avni”; “providing a telephone card”; “acting as a straw person to receive money in Italy”.

Moreno Pasquinelli, “acting, together with his common-law wife, Alessia Monteverdi, as a witness for the wedding between Er Avni and Ardizzone”; “providing a telephone cards”; “facilitating the use of an apartment in Perugia by Er Avni”; “acting as a straw person to receive money in Italy”.

Alessia Monteverdi, “finding Er Avni a home in Foligno”; “acting together with Moreno Pasquinelli as a witness for the wedding”; “providing a telephone card”; “taking practical steps to try to present Er Avni as if he had a job, presumably in order to facilitate his stay in the national territory, contributing to make his lifestyle appear regular”.

The defence will try to prove that:
1. The three comrades are in no way members of the DHKP-C.
2. Their activity consisted in providing internationalist support and solidarity to political militants and exiles who run serious risks in their own country.
3. The DHKP-C is not a terrorist organisation, and it could be called such only if we accept the idea of the “black lists”, a complete distortion of the law.
4. The notion of “terrorism” has nothing to do with resistance and national liberation struggles.
5. Turkey is still governed by a military regime which systematically violates human rights, first of all those of the Kurds.
6. In Europe, the DHKP-C has strictly and explicitly limited itself to using political methods of action, carrying out a permanent campaign of solidarity with the prisoners held in Turkish gaols under very harsh conditions of isolation.

The prison situation:
All the comrades are forbidden to see their lawyers for 5 days.

Moreno Pasquinelli is in total isolation (including prohibition of correspondence and no time out of the cell), on the basis of an order from the Administrative Authority of the Ministry of Justice.

In the opinion of the defence lawyers, this is a completely illegitimate measure. A telegram has been sent to the Surveillance Magistrate and to the director of the prison of Rebibbia concerning this matter.

Tomorrow an appeal will be submitted to the Court of Review in order to obtain the cancellation of the order of imprisonment. This appeal is expected to be discussed before April 25th.

The comrades will present their statements at this discussion.

A second appeal will also be made for the Turkish comrades.

Another amusing bit of information: the reason the websites “Iraq Libero” and “Voce Operaia” were closed down is that they are supposed to have “provided information about the activities of the DHKP-C”!

This is all for the moment. The political nature of the operation, and the frame up made to strike the anti-imperialists, appear clearer every minute.
