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Democracy overturned

3. June 2004

Permanent War – Torture – Black Lists – Repression – Construction of an “Inner Enemy”

What has remained of democracy and international law after September 11 and after the White House has declared its infinite war? This is the question that many ask themselves in Italy as well as in the whole West.

…• To punish those intransigent movements that refuse to bow their head in front of the the compilers of the “black lists” (USA and EU) have abrogated themselves tyrannical powers, often in contradiction to the juridical basis of the member states.

…• The American doctrine of “preventive war”, and its practical application in Iraq, have swept aside all that remained of international law.

…• The torture committed against Iraqi prisoners are the direct consequence of the criminal war of aggression and the occupation in its wake. But they are also the brutal revelation of the deeply racist and totalitarian character of the designs of the White House.

…• In Italy – using anti-terror laws from the seventies – repression has hit the anti-imperialists (arrested 1st of April), the Muslims (ever more collectively declared to be terrorists on the front pages of the newspapers) and the most combative sectors of the movement against the war.

…• Repression is part of the attempt of the government and important media networks to construct an “inner enemy”, to be fought as “facilitator of international terrorism”. The aim of this operation is to justify Italy´s occupation of Iraq and servilism towards Washington.

International Conference
Saturday 12th of June, 9.30 pm
SMS di Rifredi – Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 303


…• Giuseppe Pelazza – lawyer
…• Vainer Burani – Democratic Jurists
…• Hamza Piccardo – secretary of Muslim community in Italy (UCOII)
…• Moreno Pasquinelli, indicted for “terrorism”
…• DHKC (Turchia)
…• Behatoki (Basque Lawyer´s Association)
…• KKE-ml (Greece)
…• Anti-imperialist Camp Austria
…• Paolo Cento, Vice president of the justice commission of the house of deputies
…• Alessandro Leoni, regional deputy of PRC for Toskany
…• Marco Riformetti
…• Paolo Babini

This conference is dedicated to all those who have to pay for today´s attack on democracy, to all those who are arrested on the basis of norms which are negating every civilised standard of jurisdiction, to those who suffer the torturers of a tyrannical power without any scruples. In particular it is dedicated to the Turkish militants Avni Er and Zeynep Kilic, whose crime was it to fight for a democratic an socialist Turkey.

Call for the conference and endorsers
