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About the theatre of the transfer of state power

20. June 2004

by the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA)

Within the frame of a scandalous and unveiled theatre the occupation forces announced the creation of a new “Iraqi” government. This step represents an even more dangerous link in the chain of manoeuvres and tactical tricks employed by the occupying forces in order to legalize the occupation and to continue their crimes against our country; all this now takes place under a “national” guise. The new government is nothing else than a copy of the Governing Council which has fallen into disrepute as it served as an instrument of occupation. The government does in no way reflect the patriotic aspirations of our people striving for the liberation of our occupied territory as well as the realisation of full sovereignty and national independence. Facing the strengthening and spreading of the struggle of our people against the occupants and their lackeys on one hand and the foundering of the Governing Council in the swamps of corruption and crimes against our people on the other hand, this new miserable trick seems to be their last resort – especially after their cruel crimes in the prison of Abu Ghuraib became known.

The occupants tried to employ the cunning mediator Al aAkhdhar al Ibrahimi in order to give the appointed cabinet and president international legitimacy. Obeying to American order the praising words of some Arab rulers followed swiftly. One of the first supporters of the complot and participant in the crimes against our people and our homeland is Kofi Anan.

All institutions created by the occupants form part of the plans to perpetuate the occupation of our country. Their only aim is to serve the occupation, to safeguard their absolute control over the wealth of our county, to realize the American-Zionist colonial project, to rob our resources, to destroy our history and to erase our Islamic-Arabic heritage. The appointed prime minister has already announced that he will demand the continued presence of the occupying armed forces in Iraq!

We cal upon all national forces and our popular masses to express by all means their refusal of any government installed by the occupants. The main aspect of our struggle is the national one: chase away the occupation, liberate the land and restore sovereignty.

Victory to our people in its struggle for liberation!
Defeat and shame upon the occupants and their lackeys!

Baghdad, June 2, 2004
