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Long live Seraikistan

Message from Seraiki National Party for "Resistance and Hope", Assisi, Italy, August 2 - 7, 2004

28. July 2004

Seraiki which are the majority populated after Bengalis who separated themselves as Bangladesh, are treated as slaves in this former colony of the imperialists. 50 million or 40% of the population Seraikis make an alliance with Sindhi, Baloch and Pashtoon oppressed nations of Pakistan.

Commencement of Anti Imperialist Conference at Assisi, Italy on 2 – 7 August, 2004 is to our belief voice of the oppressed people of the third world. Seraiki National Party would have participated from Pakistan to apprise comrades about actual position of colonized people by the agents of imperialists. Millions of people have never experienced liberty, democracy, self governance or to live under a consensus constitution ever since the departure of British rulers in Pakistan. Seraiki which are the majority populated after Bengalis who separated themselves as Bangladesh, are treated as slaves in this former colony of the imperialists. 50 million or 40% of the population Seraikis make an alliance with Sindhi, Baloch and Pashtoon oppressed nations of Pakistan. These nations hold 90% of Pakistan´s land and 82% of the total population. 18% Punjabis with 10% of land holding by virtue of hardly one million of military and police force armed by national exchequer are controlling the whole country. By abiding the American and British policies i.e. globalization, world order and so called war against terror, the Punjab + army is continuing the imperialist rule. These and many more facts prove that oppressed Seraiki, Sindhi, Baloch and Pashtoon nations are struggling against imperialism since the creation. Punjab + army rulers by enslaving Seraikis get the numerical superiority and agricultural and mineral resources making Punjab “big brother” in Pakistan. This “big brother” of oppressed nations is the ugliest face of imperialism which Seraikis of Pakistan are confronting. With message of solidarity to the Anti Imperialist Conference Seraiki National Party draws the attention of the organizers to the camouflaged face of the imperialism in this Pakistan. The atrocities done in Iraq by America are drawing the world attention and are deplorable too. But continuous usurpation of resources and acute violation of basic human rights with killings and humiliations to the oppressed nations by Pakistani army is far more heinous crime in the world. We hope that continued interaction between Anti Imperialist Camp and Seraiki National Party will lead to breaking the hegemonies of the oppressors world over.

Long Live Seraikistan. Long Live the Struggle Against Imperialism.

Ahmed Mustafa Kanjoo
Seraiki National Party
