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Kolkota Convention Against Imperialism

30. September 2004

5th, 6th and 7th October, 2004

Venu: Biniani Bhavan, 81, Pathuria Ghat Street, Kolkota – 700 003.


Subject: Solidarity message for Anti Imperialist Convention being organised by fighting Indian Organisations from 5th October to 7th October in Kolkota.

Dear friends and comrades
As you know that more than three hundred and eleven organisations joined hands and organised a Mumbai Resistance-2004 (MR-2004), a parallel event to WSF, in Mumbai, India in January, 2004.
The organisations from India which participated in MR-2004 later on sat and decided to continue the coordination. On 20th march protest marches were organised all over India.
In the present process all those organisations who were not in MR process are also being contacted.
More than one hundred and fifty organisations have already joined this process. We are to build a strong peoples movement against the Imprialist exploitation and oppression of our country, against Hindutava communalism, against the anti-people policies of the Indian state and Indian ruling classes and against feudal exploitation and oppression of the broad Indian masses.
As first step of this process, we are organising a three days programme of plenaries, workshops and cultural activities. The central theme of this programme will be “Imperialist Globalisation and how to fight it in India?”. Other India specific issues shall also be discussed e.g. Hindutava communalism, Caste question and state repression etc.
This programme is being organised at Kolkota on 5th, 6th and 7th of October, 2004.
We wished your presence in the convention. But due the time constraint and other factors it may not be possible for your presence.
Please send the solidarity message for struggling masses of India to be read in the inaugural session.

Yours in struggle
Dr. Darshan Pal
Coordinator, working Committee for
Anti-Imperialist Convention


Convention Against Imperialism
5, 6 & 7th October, 2004 at Kolkata
(Binani Bhavan, 81, Pathuria Ghat Street–700003)


Dear Friend,

India is standing on a precipice. Even the limited sovereignty is being mortgaged to imperialist-capitalist combine under the garb of liberalisation, globalization and the WTO regime. The insidious expropriation of the masses, which began soon after independence by pushing equity into the background, has come into the open with the advent of so-called reforms. The entire parliamentary political establishment of the country subscribes, albeit some with a human face. The ruling classes are collaborators in the open loot of multinationals, which are now free to commandeer the natural resources and wanton exploitation of labour. It is high time that the toiling masses of India stand up and fight against this imperialist-capitalist onslaught.
It was in view of this situation that some of us came together and organised MR-2004 (Mumbai Resistance 2004, Against Imperialist Globalisation and War). In this international event against imperialist onslaught worldwide, including India, it was solemnly resolved to build a collective struggle of all genuine anti-imperialist and democratic forces in the country against imperialist hegemony and capitalist exploitation. An adhoc committee was constituted to organise protest in India on March 20th against the US aggression on Iraq as a part of worldwide upsurge. It organised a meeting in Delhi on 4th July to prepare ourselves for the future course of action.
As a first step in the process of building a broad democratic movement, it was suggested to hold an anti-imperialist convention to register protest against the imperialist offensive on our country and the ways and means of fighting it. It was decided to exclude imperialist funded NGOs and all pro-globalisation, pro-establishment ruling class forces. This anti-imperialist convention will be organised in Kolkata, as a part of this democratic process, in the second week of October. The forces broadly subscribing to the above perspective will join hand at this critical period in our history to give a befitting reply and smash nefarious imperialist designs.
There is no time to lose. The horrifying suicides ironically in the green revolution areas have exposed the ugly side of development portrayed as India shining. They are only the tip of the iceberg …— the agony of hunger and starvation, the rampant disease and child malnutrition goes unreported. There are thousands of starvation deaths in West Bengal where the so-called left-front government assures globalisation with a human face. While godowns are full, food grains are exported at below poverty line prices. But people starve. Big business made gigantic net profits last year of Rs. 85,000 crores (a leap of over 40% over the previous year), in the same year countless millions were pushed below destitution level. The rulers resorted to fascist tactics using Hindutva as a weapon to deflect attention from acute inequality (1:10,000) especially of the unsuspecting majority by creating scapegoats in the minorities, particularly the Muslims. The whole of North-east and Kashmir have been under the iron heel of Indian army, where popular movements for self-determination are continuing. Various ploys have been used to crush by brute force the growing resistance of the masses everywhere in the country.
India has a great history of fighting against colonial intrusion and occupation. The tribals fought as a people and never surrendered before the British Raj. There were continuous uprisings right from Tipu Sultan in the late 18th century to the first war of Indian independence in 1857 and later onto the Gaddar at the turn of the century, to the hundreds of revolts against colonialism in the 20th century, like that of Bhagat Singh, Kalpana Dutt, RIN strike, the INA armed revolt, the peasant uprisings, as in Telengana. But India also had its class of collaborators through which the British were able to suppress these revolts and continue their rule over the country. The galaxy of maharajas, land lords, the new class of civil servants and minions, the big-business and a group of so-called politicians who collaborated with the Raj and acted as traitors that enabled the British to rule our country for almost two centuries.
We, the progressive people and organisations of India, seek to revive the glorious anti-imperialist tradition of India by continuing the fight against imperialist domination and loot of our country. Such a battle is inconceivable without a thorough exposure of their traitorous agents operating here. It is also inconceivable to fight this battle without a thorough struggle against all forms of exploitation of the oppressed masses, particularly feudal and archaic forms of oppression and exploitation. To build a genuine democratic order let us first gather all the democratic and anti-imperialist forces in the country for the proposed anti-imperialist convention and make it a resounding success.
We are committed to the following points while seeking to build a widest possible conglomeration of Indian people´s organisations:
To expose and fight against all forces which support …‘human face´ globalisation;
To expose and smash Hindutva communal fascism;
To oppose and fight against relics of colonial system that continues to oppress the people and anti people policies of the ruling classes at all levels;
To oppose and fight against all types of feudal and national oppression against the people;
To fight against Imperialist hegemony on languages, literature and culture;
To fight against all types of oppressions on the people including Dalits, women, Adivasis, minorities and nationalities and state terror unleashed against them.
We invite you / your organisation to take active part in this process and participate in the convention.

Darshan Pal for
Organising committee of Kolkota Convention

Lists of organisations joined the process:

1. All India Confederation of SC/ST Organisations
2. All India Federation of Trade Unions (AIFTU)
3. All India Peoples Resistance Forum (AIPRF)
4. Bahujan Vam Shakti
5. Bharat Jan Andolan
6. Lok Raj Sanghtan
7. Mahila Utpiran Birodhi Samiti
8. Manva Adhikar Sanghatan
9. Nari Chetana
10. North East Coordination Committee on Human Rights( NECOHR)
11. Struggling Forum for Peoples Resistance (SFPR)
12. Yuva Bharat
13. Nepali Jan Adhikar Surakhsha Samiti

Andhra Pradesh:
14. Arunodhaya Sanskritika Samakhya
15. Civil Liberties Monitoring Committee
16. Forum for Peoples Resistance (FPR)
17. Homeo Doctors´ Association
18. POW (Sthree Vimukti)
19. Praja Kala Mandali (PKM)
20. Progressive and Democratic Students Union (PDSU)
21. Revolutionary Writers Association(RWA)
22. Telengana Jan Sabha
23. V.Satyam and A.Kailasam Memorial Committee

24. Abhiviakti Sanskritak Manch
25. Abhyan
26. Apradh Virodhi Manch, Patna
27. Bhartiya Momin Front
28. Bihar Rajya Chaturth Vargiya Sarkari Karmachari Mahasangh (Kapri)
29. Communist Centre for Scientific Socialism
30. Democratic Students Union (DSU)
31. Federation of Public Undertaking Employees and Workers Union
32. Jan Kalyan Samiti
33. Janwadi Lok Manch
34. Krantikari Sanskritik Sangh
35. Muslim Naujawan Sabha

36. Chattisgarh Mukti Morcha Cultural Team
37. Chhatisgarh Mukti Morcha
38. Jagriti Sanskritak Manch
39. Jan Kala Manch
40. Jan Mukti Morcha
41. Khadan Vidrohi Jan Sangharash Manch
42. Kisan Adivasi Sanghtan
43. Narmada Bachao Andolan-Silvy Behan / Alok Bhai
44. Nimad-Malwa Kisan Mazdoor Sanghtan
45. Peoples Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL)
46. Pragatisheel Engg. Shramik Sangh
47. Pragatisheel Yuva Sangh
48. Shramik Adivasi Sanghtan
49. Vanyanchal Kamgar Sarvangin Vikas Samiti

50. Asmita (Theatre)
51. Indian Council of Trade Unions (ICTU)
52. New Vistas Publication
53. Samajik Nyay Morcha
54. Vikalap Sanskritak Manch, Delhi
55. Jatiya Shoshan Virudh Sangarsh Samiti

56. New Socialist Movement
57. Gujarat Jan Andolan

58. Bhartiya Kisan Union(BKU)
59. Dalit Mukti Sangatan
60. Disha Sanskritik Manch
61. Kaumi Ekta Manch
62. Kisan Pratishtha Manch
63. Kurukshetra University Mess Workers Union
64. Lok Sangharsh Manch, Ambala Cantt
65. NIT Mess Workers´ Welfare Union, Kurukshetra

66. Jharkhand Aven
67. Jharkhand Pradesh Project Uchh Vidyalya Sikashak Sangh
68. Jharkhand Progressive Students´ Union
69. Krantikari Budhijivi Sangh
70. Mahila Ulgulan Manch
71. Pathari Madhyamik Sikshak Sangh
72. Peoples´ Democratic Movement
73. Ulgulan Manch (Namkum,Jharkhand)

74. Cepz workers Union
75. Janakeeya Cheruthnunilpu Vedi (JCV)
76. Oruma Women Organisation
77. Porattom
78. Progressive and Democratic Youth Federation
79. Vairakkal Thozhilali Union (Diamond Workers Union)
80. Wynada Adivasi Vikasana Samiti

Madhya Pradesh:
81. Bhopal Gas Pedit Samiti
82. Adivasi Mukti Sangathan

83. All India Ghumantu Mahasangha
84. All India Phule Ambedkary Students´ Association
85. Auto Chalak Union, Nagpur
86. Avhaan Natya Manch
87. Bahujan Sangharsh Samiti
88. Dalit Writers Forum, Nagpur
89. Fascist Shakti Vidrohi Sangharsha Samiti, Chandrapur
90. Jan Sangharsha Manch, Chandrapur
91. Jayashree Waghamare Samajik Adhyayan Kendra, Chandrapur
92. Kabir Kala Manch
93. Kisan Mazdoor Sangatana, Chandrapur
94. Maharashtra Jan Andolan
95. My India, Muslim Youth of India
96. O.B.C. Party
97. Paradhi Swabhiman Parishad, Nagpur
98. Ramai Ambedkar Pratishtan
99. Riksha Chalak Sangharsha Samiti, Nagpur
100. Self Respect Movement of Indigenous Employees, Vidarbha
101. Vidarbha Teli Samaj Mahasangha
102. Vidrohi Sanskritik Chalval, Mumbai
103. Vidrohi Sanskritik Chalval, Vidarbha

104. Koila Banga Sangh
105. Prakritik Sampada Surakasha Prishad, Raigada
106. Rayata Kuli Sangram Manch

107. B.K.U. (Ekta)
108. Krantikari Sabhyachar Kendra
109. Lok Sangharm Morcha
110. Inquilabi Kendra, Punjab

111. Bijli Kisan Union
112. Kisan Morcha
113. Shahid Bhagat Singh Vichar Manch, Navalgarh

Uttar Pradesh:
114. B.K.U. (Tikait)
115. Bhagat Singh Vichar Manch, Devaria
116. Bharat Naujawan Sabha
117. Bhartyia Kol Adivasi Uthhan Samiti
118. Bhoomiheen Kisan Sanghrash Samiti
119. Dalit Alapsankhyak Janvadi Morcha
120. Hindustani Akliyati Council, Aligarh
121. Indian Association of People´s Lawyers
122. Inquilabi Chhatra Morcha
123. Insani Biradari
124. Jan Mukti Morcha
125. Kisan Mazdoor Sangh
126. Lord Budha Club
127. Parivaratankami Mahila Manch
128. Sampardayikata Virodhi Manch, Aligarh
129. Sanchiya
130. Swaraj Prishad
131. Swatantrata Sangram Adhyan Kendra

132. Jan Adhikar Manch
133. Lok Vahini
134. Mazdoor Kisan Sanghrash Samiti
135. Uttarakhand Cultural Team

West Bengal:
136. All India League For Revolutionary Culture, W. Bengal
137. All India Progressive Students Forum (AIPSF)
138. All West Bengal Sales Representatives Union
139. BEML (Security Karmi Union)
140. Bharater Manabotavadi Mancha (Chandan Nagar)
141. Bharotiya Bigyan Juktibadi Samiti(Behala)
142. Chetana Science Club
143. Dalit Sankhay Laghu Mancha
144. Durbar Kalam
145. Ekti Gan Sanskritak Udyog
146. Etar Badhan Chera
147. Gana Bighyan Chetna Prishad
148. Ikshan
149. Jagaran
150. Manabi
151. Mazdoor Kisan Sangram Samiti
152. Paschim Banga Gantantrik Hawkers Union
153. Rajnayeetik Matt Parkasher Adhikar Surakasha Committee
154. Revolutionary Students´ Front (RSF)
155. Revolutionary Youth League (RYL)
156. Sadnik Patrika (Budgebudge)
157. Samannaya (Diamond Harbour)
158. Sampradayeek Bidrohi Mancha
159. Sangrami Sramik Mancha (SSM)
160. Sanjukta Sangram Committee
161. Sarijoni

Individuals who accorded their consent to join the process:

1. Akhtar Hussain, Bihar
2. Amit Bhattacharya, West Bengal
3. Amitdyuti Kumar, West Bengal
4. Anand Swaroop Verma, Delhi
5. Anand Teltumbde, Mumbai
6. Arjun Dangale, Writer, Mumbai
7. Arun Vyas, Udaipur, Rajastan
8. Arvind Gaur, Dramatist, Delhi
9. Ashok Chakraborty, West Bengal
10. Asim Chatterjee, West Bengal
11. Asim Muzamdar, West Bengal
12. B.P.Kesari, retd. professor, Jharkhand
13. Beladatta, West Bengal
14. Bibash Chakraborty, West Bengal
15. Bidyut Bhaumik, West Bengal
16. Debabrata Panda, West Bengal
17. Dr. Satyajir Dasgupta, West Bengal
18. Eknathrao Salve, Advocate & Writer, Chandrapur
19. Gaddar, Revolutionary Singer
20. Gautam Badra, West Bengal
21. Gautam Ghosh, West Bengal
22. Gautam Navlakha, Delhi
23. Hari Pal Tyagi, Delhi
24. Hari Singh Tarq, Punjab
25. Hemender Pratap Dehati, Jharkhand
26. Himansu (Udaipur)
27. Javed. A.Wajid, Lecturer, Bareily, UP
28. Jayanta Sen, Retd. Jounalist, West Bengal
29. John Peruvanthanam, Ecologist, Kerala
30. K.N. Pandit, Jharkhand
31. K.R.Chowdhary, Agriculture Economist, Hyderabad
32. Kabir Suman, West Bengal
33. Kagen Das, West Bengal
34. Kamla Pant, Uttrakhand Mahila Manch
35. Kanchan Kumar, Editor, Amukh
36. KKS Das, Dalit Writer, Kerala
37. Krishan Vallabh Singh, professor, Bihar
38. Laxman Gaikwad, Writer, Mumbai
39. Madab Bandhyopadhye, West Bengal
40. Mahasweta Devi
41. Mahendra Gaikwad, Writer, Nagpur
42. Maitrai Chatterjee, West Bengal
43. Manoranjan Mohanty, professor, Delhi
44. Mihir Bhattacharya, W.B.
45. Mithilesh Kumar, Advocate
46. N Subramanian, Social Activist, Kerala
47. N.K. Chawdhari, professor
48. Nabarun Bhattacharya, W.B.
49. Nagesh Chowdhari, Editor, Bahujan Sangharsh, Nagpur
50. Nemai Ghosh, West Bengal
51. P A Pouran, PUCL, Kerala
52. Panchu Roy, West Bengal
53. Pankaj Singh, Delhi
54. PC Tiwari , Uttrakhand
55. Prakash Karmakar, West Bengal
56. Pranob Naiyak West Bengal
57. Pratap Alam, Delhi
58. Preeti Sinha, Bihar
59. Raj Kishore, Bihar
60. Ram Kumar Krishak, Delhi
61. Ram Puniyani, Professor, IIT, Mumbai
62. Ramesh Pimple, Film Activist, Mumbai
63. Ratnakar Meshram, Writer, Nagpur
64. Razi Ahmed, Director, Gandhi Sangrahalay, Bihar
65. S.N. Munda, Jharkhand
66. S.N.Bhatacharya, Advocate, Jharkhand
67. Sagar Sarhadi, Film Maker/ Director, Mumbai
68. Sahajada Firdos, West Bengal
69. Sambhaji Bhagat, Mumbai
70. Samsher Singh Bisht, Lok Vahini, Uttrakhand
71. Saroj Ghosh, West Bengal
72. Sashi Bhusan Pathak, Jharkhand
73. Shyamdada Gaikwad, Social Activist, Mumbai
74. Sohan Sharma, Editor, Sahi Samajh
75. Sujato Badra, West Bengal
76. Suniti Kumar Ghosh, West Bengal
77. Suresh George, Social Activist, Kerala
78. Surya Pant (Writer), Uttrakhand
79. Tapan Mukherjee, West Bengal
80. Tara Shankar Roy, West Bengal
81. Tarun Sanyal, West Bengal
82. Tathagat Mallick, West Bengal
83. Tridib Ghosh, Ranchi, Jharkhand
84. Varavara Rao, Revolutionary Writer, Andhra Pradesh
85. Vijay.L.Prashant, Delhi
86. Vimala, Revolutionary Writer, Andhra Pradesh; Rakesh Rafiq-Yuva Bharat-094123-09245, 05921-241366;Ajay-Haryana-094162-81590; Amrish.N.Putu- New Socialist Movement, Gujarat-079-25538663, 079-26577280; B.D.Sharma…—, Delhi-011-24353997; Dr. Rajaram-Uttar Pradesh-0562-2152734, 094122-58831; Gian Singh-Haryana-011-24353997; Gopal Naidu-Maharashtra-0712-2240594; Jagat-North East Coordination on Human Rights (NECOHR)-0361-2550301; SFPR-098481-18322; Saibaba.-Delhi-011-35970862; Sheikh Ansar-Chhatisgarh Mukti Morcha (CMM)-0771-2562488;Shyna-Kerala-0484-2577114; Sudheer-Maharashtra-022-23703158; Tinku-W.Bengal-033-24721647; Trideep Gosh-Jharkhand-0651-2481776;Venkateshwaralu-A.P.-098492-26370 Sawapan Kumar Goswami, Advocate P.R.Harne-0712-2741659, Dnyaneshwar B. Nile 0-98203-52755, Bhaiyasaheb Shelare-(Mah)-0-9422803129, Adv. T.V. Kathane-0712-2247216, Darshan Pal-0-94170-55994

Publisher: Organising Committee for Kolkata Conv


Kolkata Convention Against Imperialism
5, 6 & 7(Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday) October 2004
Binani Bhavan, 81, Pathuria Ghat Street, Kolkata – 700003


Day One
5 October, 2004

Inaugural Session: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Presidium: Sudha (CMM), Rakesh Rafiq (Yuva Bharat), Darshan Pal (AIPRF)

Inaugural Song: Cultural Organisations
Welcome Address: Maitreyi Chatterjjee, Women & Human Rights Activist, West Bengal
Representatives of Various People´s Movements will wish the Delegates from Dais.
Opening of Art Exhibition by Harpal Tyagi, Eminent Painter from Delhi
Release of books on art and Culture
Messages from anti-imperialist movements of India and abroad
Papers: Onslaught of Imperialism and Indian Agrarian Crisis by Dr. B.D. Sharma
Impact of Globalization on Working Class by Ajay, C.C.S.S
Discussion on the two papers

Closing Remarks: Rakesh Rafiq
Vote of Thanks: Sudha
Lunch: 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm

Afternoon Session 3.30pm to 8pm:
(Parallel and Simultaneous Sessions)

Delegates will divide themselves into four sessions according to their preference and discuss the issues relating to the following topics. Summaries of each session will be prepared and presented in the full session when all delegates meet on the next morning.

Assembly One
…‘Globalisation with a Human Face´
Debabrata Panda
Agendas of Left Front & UPA Governments: Globalisation with a Human Face

Assembly Two
Communal Fascism
Dr. Ram Puniyani, professor, IIT, Mumbai
Hindutva, Threat to Democracy

Assembly Three
Caste and Globalisation
Anand Teltumbde
Annihilation of Caste and Anti-imperialist Movement

Assembly Four
State Terror
Raj Kishor
Indian Repressive State Apparatus: POTA, Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, …‘Encounter´ Killings and Death Penalty in the face of Aggressive Imperialist Onslaught.

Day Two
6 October, 2004

Reels of Resistance: Screening of people´s Films
Shyam Ranjankar and others will participate.

Morning Session: 10 a.m. -2p.m.

Summaries of the four sessions and discussions will be presented by the repertoire.

Perspective Paper:
G N Saibaba
A Working Perspective Towards Building a United People´s Movement Against Imperialist Oppression of India in India.

Rakesh Rafiq
Hindi version of the Perspective Paper

Discussion on the Summaries and the Working Perspective follows.

Afternoon Session: 3.30 p.m. -7 p.m.

Presentation of Common Consensus Points from the Discussion.

Election of an All India Co-ordination Committee (Adhoc)
Regional Co-ordination Centres (Adhoc)
Resolutions, Discussion and Adoption

Night Session: 8 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Kavi Sabha: Anti-imperialist Poetry Session

Day Three
7 October, 2004

Inauguration: by Prakash Karmakar, well-known painter
Stage shows, Nookad Natak, Dances, Drama and Songs

Gopal Naidu & Sudhir
The Role of Writers and Cultural Activists in Anti-imperialist and anti-Fascist Movements

Contact: Rakesh Rafiq-Yuva Bharat-094123-09245, 05921-241366; Tinku – 0-9831483847; Fax. No.-033-28620243; Darshan Pal-09417055994; E-mail: peoplesalliance@
Publisher: Organising Committee for Kolkata Convention
