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William Frediani remains in prison because being a “dangerous communist”

14. October 2004

Since the 6th of August 2004 William Frediani, militant of the Anti-imperialist Camp, has been in prison in Pisa, Italy. Now the appeal court refused to lift the pre-trial confinement with a justification defying democratic standards.

William was arrested on charge of being member of the COR (Cells of Revolutionary Offensive). Those claimed responsibility for several arson attacks against premises of “Allianza Nationale” which is part of Berlusconi´s governing coalition. None of these actions caused damages to persons. Under the same charges already on June 7 six members of the group “il Silvestre” had been arrested.

The indictment is being built on very weak evidence. In fact it got a predominantly political character repeating the arguments which have been published in the biannual report of the Italian intelligence agency: The biggest danger stems from “the Anti-imperialists supporting the Iraqi Resistance as well as from the Anarcho-Insurrectionalists”. Under these criteria the COR assume the profile of the public enemy number one as they stressed their opposition to the Italian participation on the war of aggression against Iraq and the subsequent occupation. Furthermore they seem to originate from an Anarchist background.

Here the arguments of the Florence court for the “special danger” emanating from William Frediani: He “is driven by ideological convictions which are far more dangerous than those so far expressed by the COR, convictions expressing the allegiance to communist-type violent class struggle, which are inescapably more dangerous than Anarchist motives.” That is to say that William is imprisoned because he is communist!

Freedom for William, the militants of “Il Silvestre” and all anti-imperialists!
