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Protest against the masacre in Thailand

1. November 2004

By Haksöz, Turkey

29 October 2004

The members of Ozgur-Der have protested the massacre against Muslims in the south region of Thailand. After a press release in front of the Fatih Post Office in Istanbul, a letter to make a protest has been sent to the Thailand Embassy in Ankara. About a hundred protestors have been gathered outside the post office to show their solidarity with Thai Muslims.

In the press release, it has been stated that the massacre in southern Thailand has been the latest link to the global attacks against Muslims all around the world.

The demonstration has ended after Hulya Sekerci, chairwoman of Ozgur-Der, sent the letter to the embassy. During the demonstration, slogans such as “Stop the Massacre”, “Long-live Global Intifadah” have been shouted to protest the Thai goverment.

Here is the full-text of the letter:

“The things happened in Naratwiath, home to most of Thailand´s Muslim-majority, has been the latest dark page to the history of the humankind. As it is known, Thai Muslims have reacted against the oppressive and racist policies of the Thailand Goverment in different ways recently. However, the goverment has always used the heavy-handed tactics and excessive force against the Muslims and massacred several innocent people.

On 26th October, the Muslims, who gathered to protest the unfair arrest of Muslim men outside a police station at Tak Bai in southern Naeathiaw province, were injured or killed by Thai troops and police. The only reason those innocent people were assassinated was because they were against the heavy pressure of the goverment on them. Both the men and women were beaten in a cruel way. Moreover, the police and troops, used water cannon, gunfire and tear gas to break up the demonstration, also forced the detainees to lie face-down with their hands tied behind their backs and kept them in the back of trucks. 1,300 people were stuffed into vehicles until they could not breathe. As the detainees were taken in trucks to a military base, the 78 of them suffocated while several broke their arms or necks.

There briefly is a massacre, a cruel policy which ignores the human dignity, values and principles. We consider the latest assassination made by the Thai goverment as a ring of the chain of massacres and pressure going on in various parts of the world with the support and lead of the American Imperialism. Hence, the Thai Goverment sends a clear message to sovereigns of the world to show its loyalty and makes a contribution to the anti-Islamic attacks of the global imperialists whereas it is claimed to be an attack against the terrorism.

The conflict in the south region has continued for decades and sparked into life again recently. The Thai authorities have been carrying on the racist and fascist policies against Muslims, who have been deprived of the basic human rights and left in extremely bad circumstances for years. The pretexts such as “the war against the terrorism” or “the precaution for the fundementalist threat” have being given to cover over the crimes committed against Muslims. It should be recognized that the rejection of the Muslim identity by the Thai goverment is the main reason of conflicts in Thailand. Despite the fact that Thai Muslims try to protect their rights of religion liberty, they are still exposed to the cruel attacks of the military forces. In order to take the support of the USA, the Thai Goverment carries out a policy to slur the Muslims in the country and show them as if they are dangerous. Thus, the national goverment tries to hide the violent actions against Muslims in the region. However, nobody, particularly Thai authoroties, should not forget that although the conflict is tried to be hidden by using force, the problem itself cannot be put away. As long as the injustice and oppression continues, the problem will not be solved just like the problems in other countries around the world.”




Translated by Beytullah E. Once
