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Preparatory meeting for int`l conference

18. January 2005

Support to Iraqi Resistance

Invitation to a preparatory meeting to hold an international conference

In solidarity with Iraqi people´s resistance against imperialist occupation and plunder

February 13, 2005, Frankfurt, Germany

In March 2003, the US and its imperialist allies under the pretext of “war against terror” and raising the bogus dangers of weapons of mass destruction, attacked and occupied Iraq. The attack against Iraq more than a policy of causing regime change was an attack against the people of Iraq and the region and was designed to advance US imperialist agenda in the Middle East.

The ensuing rise in the resistance of the Iraqi people against occupation and rendering heavy blows against the forces of the US and its allies has severely hampered and blocked the advance of the US agenda in this region.

The sham elections planned for end of January in Iraq is seen by all as nothing but a farce and an attempt to give a legal fig leaf of democracy to the US colonial rule and its puppet regime in Iraq.

The complete disregard of all the conventions and perceptions which govern international relations, the untold US crimes and atrocities in Iraq, including the genocide in Falluja and crimes in the Abu Garib prison., the open justification of torture and the appointment of its perpetrators to the highest state positions in the US and Britain, the promotion of looting and plunder in business, have exposed the criminal and inhuman nature of imperialism. These have aroused the widest opposition to war and continued occupation of Iraq.

Yet the support for the Iraqi people´s resistance is still far from effective and is in urgent need attention and focus.

We propose an international conference in support of the Iraqi people´s resistance to be held in Europe. In order to discuss and decide upon the framework, place and date of such an initiative, we invite all forces supporting the resistance to participate in the aforementioned preparatory meeting in Frankfurt, Germany on February 13, 2005.

Free Iraq Committee Germany
Free Iraq Committee Italy
Danish Committee for a Free Iraq
Free Iraq Committee Norway
Free Iraq Committee Austria
Free Iraq Committee Hungary
Free Iraq Committee Poland
International League of People´s Struggle (ILPS)
Iraqi Patriotic Democratic Communist Current
Anti-imperialist Camp

For further details and the address of the venue please contact:, or

Proposed Agenda
10.00 am – 6.00 pm –
Frankfurt, Germany on February 13, 2005

1. roll call

2. Approval of the Agenda

3. Analysis and discussion
a. the current situation in Iraq
b. the anti-war and anti-globalisation movement
c. the need for the call

4. Proposals for action
a. The international conference
b. Other proposals

5. organisation and mobilisation

6. planning for the next meeting

7. summing up and close
