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Greece: Against the bogus elections in occupied Iraq

3. February 2005

A series of public meetings took place in Greece against the imperialist occupation of Iraq and in support of Iraqi Resistance. Fadhil Al-Rubaiee, member of the leading committee of Iraqi Patriotic Alliance, was invited to speak about the situation in Iraq and the struggle of Iraqi people.

Fadhil Al-Rubaiee`s participation in the following events:

Wednesday 26/1: Press Conference with the participation of journalists from daily press. Interview with one of the biggest national newspaper.

Friday 28/1: Public meeting in Technical University of Athens organized by People`s Militant Movement, Unity of Working People and Initiative of Struggle.

Saturday 29/1 morning: Demonstration outside American embassy in Athens organized by People`s Militant Movement, Unity of Working People and Initiative of Struggle.

Saturday 29/1 evening: Public meeting in Thessaloniki organized by People`s Militant Movement, Militant Movement of Students.

Sunday 30/1: Public meeting in Chania, Crete organized by Committee
against Bases and Dependence.

Wednesday 2/2: Public meeting in Patras organized by Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist).
