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Immediate Release of human right activist Sandra Bakutz

14. February 2005

by Int`l Forum, Denmark

International Forum, Denmark requires the immediate release of Austrian human right activist Sandra Bakutz. International Forum has known Sandra for years: we have met Sandra on various international conferences on political prisoners, against torture and isolation just as we have collaborated with Sandra and many other activists in Europe and Middle East on the struggle against F–type prisons in Turkey. Sandra participated in a conference on political prisoners in Denmark last year, organized by International Forum.

Sandra arrived to Istanbul on February 10 where the representative of International Forum was supposed to meet her. They were part of the international delegation which was going to observe the trial on February 11 concerning 23 Turkish human right activists accused of being linked with an illegal Turkish organization (DHKP-C).

However, Sandra never participated in this trial. She was arrested and put in prison where she has been since then. She is accused of being member of the mentioned illegal organization. The Turkish state tries to create the picture of an existing connection between legal human right organizations and illegal political organizations – thus aiming at discrediting the human right organizations. The EU helps Turkey in doing so by establishing the so-called black list concluding a number of Turkish liberation and left wing organizations, for example DHKP-C.

During the trial, the police attacked the demonstration outside the court thus heavily injuring the demonstrators. The international delegation saw the so-called “new Turkish democracy” in practice.

We call upon all friends of democracy and human right to protest against the arrest of our good friend Sandra Bakutz whom International Forum respects very much – and claim her immediate release.

Free Sandra Bakutz – Long live the international solidarity

International Forum
Griffenfeldsgade 41
DK 2200 Copenhagen N
Denmark – 0045-35371889
