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Free Sandra Bakutz!

15. March 2005

Copenhagen: demonstration in front of the Turkish Embassy

Demonstration for Sandra Bakutz on March 9, 2005

It was a small but strong demonstration in front of the Turkish Embassy in a rich villa district north of Copenhagen. A banner in grey and red was carried saying Free Sandra – No to isolation and torture.

Music by the political Turkish band Yorum was played during the whole demonstration, interrupted by the two speakers who spoke about the case of Sandra and cried FREE SANDRA FREE SANDRA – In the embassy on the other side of the street the personnel were listening through the open windows.

There were two speeches who talked about the case of Sandra, the brutality of the Turkish police in Istanbul etc.

The speaker from International Forum said among others:

……” Sandra is strong. Sandra has for years been fighting for the democratic rights of the prisoners in Turkish prisons. She has been active in the campaign against the F-type prisons – introduced in Turkey under pressure from the EU. Sandra knows that those sitting inside the walls of the prisons are very much depending on the solidarity of us outside the prisons, and are depending on our pressure to get them now. Now Sandra is one of the political prisons. It is our duty to get her out – NOW.”

A declaration to the Turkish Embassy was read saying among others:

“We consider the emprisonment of Sandra Bakutz as a violation of her basic human rights, hereunder her right of expression. …….. We require that the Turkish state immediately releases Sandra Bakutz. We shall closely follow her case and her coming trials.”

Two persons had sent letters to the Austrian authorities and received answers in form of e-mails. The Austrian authorities confirmed that they worked hard for the transfer of Sandra to Austria.

The demonstration – on its way back – passed by the Austrian Embassy and delivered a letter there, demanding the immediate release of Sandra.

It was discussed to form an official committee for Sandra next week and to send a delegation to Ankara on March 30.

Copenhagen march 13, 05
International Platform against Isolation
