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Russian Day of the Anti-Globalist Resistance

18. March 2005

24 March: comemorate Yugoslavia and Iraq

Russian anti-globalists are going to celebrate the Day of the Anti-globalist resistance on March 24. That date was the beginning of bombardments of Yougoslavia in 1999 – and at the same time the beginning of vehement protests all over the world. When anti-globalists were preparing to celebrate the Day for the first time the US and the UK troops attacked Iraq, so it was the day of protests.

Now we are going to celebrate it for the third time. … This still is the day of solidarity of all forces that are struggling against the … new world order”. We protest against aggressive politics of the Western countries, against the economic exploitation, against manpulation of conciousness in mass-media and advertising, agaist electronic total control. … 

There will be meetings, spreading newspapers and pamphlets, conferences.
We invite all anti-imperialists to express solidarity on that day.

Anti-Globalist Resistance, Russia
