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Justice is not possible under the nose of Modi

23. April 2005

An appeal to protect fundamental rights of POTA victims in Gujarat

Civil Liberties express its deep concern over the condition of POTA victims of gujrat, detained in Sabarmati jail Ahmadabad, though POTA review committee visited the Ahmadabad and conducted its review work, but this all process are not satisfactory, because the modi set to all measures to sabotage the hearings of PRC.The committee which is headed by Rtd justice sagar chand jain and with two other members conducted enquiry in such a manner that the Advocates and the accused did not present their cases properly , the Advocates/victims and the relatives are not satisfied with this proceedings. Civil liberties strongly feel that committee it self under the pressure of Modi´s crime branch officials. The crime branch of Ahmadabad has arranged and adopts all the measure to keep watch and records the Advocates arguments and statement of accused persons. The top crime branch officers were present during the hearing with all modern equipments to record hearing; even they came with the high tech mobile phones and they continuously with in touch with their boss, they were openly talking on their mobile phones and justice Jain never objected on this illegal action. Civil Liberties after carefully monitoring all the proceeding came on conclusion that it was not free and fare hearing. One case which registered under POTA in which hundreds of people booked and it is commonly called JIHADI Conspiracy Case (calling like this it self conspiracy) in which POPULAR mass leader Moulana Naseeruddin of TTSI and three Advocates and so many other persons are detained PRC heard their statements on video conference which was not properly arranged, and PRC has given only thirty minutes to more than fifty accused to record their statement. Only ten accused present the cases very briefly and wants to speak before the committee but justice Jain refuses by saying that there is no time to hear every body, this create dissatisfaction among the accused person having great hope with this PRC.however justice jain told that he will give his decision in the month of April only and he will provide justice to everybody.

But there are so many questions raising the concerned people whether Modi govt will accept the decisions of PRC if it comes in favor of accuse? . Modi who already tried its best to stop the PRC by filing a petition in Gujarat High court from so called victims of Godhra incident, now he can move to high court to challenge the decisions, and then after supreme court also, deffinetly this going to take place, then a long and hard legal battle will take place. And just think about the innocent persons who are detained in Sabarmati jail since last two years, what will be the condition of them, they already suffers a lot, they become frustrated and in this junction they may lost tier mental balance. And who will be responsible for this? The answer is simple the judicial procedure system of Gujarat who is under the clutches of Modi who committed crime against humanity. And the who concerned democratic rights and human values can not ignore tier responsibility and become the silent spectator .So Civil Liberties Monitoring committee, India, appeals to all to come forward and raised the voice against this atrocities, and protect the democratic/fundamental rights of the POTA victims of Gujrat.The fact should be clear in the mind that Justice is impossible under the nose of Modi, so civil liberties appeals all the democrats to pressurize the central govt to remove the Modi govt under the section 356 and impose presidential role for the greater cause of the humanity.

Lateef Mohd Khan
Civil Liberties Monitoring committee, India

Civil Liberties Monitoring committee, India
Amberpet, Hyderabad, A.P, India, 500013
Press Release
