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Mosul Shura Council denounces fraud in referendum

31. October 2005

In a statement dated Oct 26, 2005, the Shura Council of Mosuk denounces the foregone referendum and says that its results have been fabricated by the collaborationist government and the US.According to the statement, the real results were four Iraqi provinces with over 2/3 ‘no’ majority (Anbar, Salahaldin, Nineveh and Baqouba), and several other provinces and cities with ‘no’ in the 40%s (Baghdad, Basra, Kirkuk, et al).

The statement demands a poll repeat in Nineveh under international supervision (from countries not involved in the occupation) and in three weeks from now. Unless this demand is met, the statement calls on all patriotic Iraqis and political blocs to boycott the coming general election, scheduled for December.

Interesting about the statement is also its rhetoric. It is written by a progressive through and through, and definitely not by a religious fundamentalist of any kind. It addresses all Iraqis, naming the names of their respective communities, and not just Muslims, Sunnis or Arabs.

Wael Gallab
