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Release the Shefa’amer 7 – Petition

25. June 2006

We, call for the immediate and unconditional release the Shfa’amer 7.
We also call for an end to the continuation of the persecution and
harrasment of the people of Sfha’arem by the Israeli police.

Background about the petition

On the 13th of June, the Israeli police arrested 7 men from the Palestinian town of Shfa’amer. They are accused of lynching an Israeli soldier.

Last year on the 4th of August, an Israeli soldier, named Eden Natan-Zada boarded bus 165 from Haifa to Shfa’amer. When the bus arrived in Shfa’amer the soldier opened fire. First he killed the driver, Michel Bahut at gunpoint, and then, while he continued shooting, he killed the passengers Nadir Hayak, and the sisters Dina and Hazaar Turkey. Other passengers tried to grab his gun, but he continued his attack, in which more then 20 passengers were wounded. other Passengers tried to stop him, and very soon, people from Sfha’amer came to the bus and also tried to stop him. The soldier terrorist died in this act of self-defense .

Only now, 10 months later, on the 13th of June, the police arrested 7 men from Shfa’amer.

At the same time the police is persecuting and harassing the entire population of Sfha’amer. This is injustice. This attack was a terrorist attack, the soldier was a terrorist and we, people from Shfa’amer has the right to defend ourselves and our loved ones.

You Can Sign the petition On-Line
