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Release Metin Demir, Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş Immediately!

26. June 2006

Three Members of Ozgur-Der Disappeared in Custody in Northern Iraq

Metin Demir, Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş, both of them members of Free Thought and Educational Rights Association/ Ozgur-Der, was disappeared in custody in Northern Iraq at Kurdish Democratic Party/ KDP administrated area. No information on Metin Demir’s current situation and whereabouts since 1 June and of Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş since 18 June. Their families, friends and we are anxious for their lives!

Metin Demir, who is a member of Ozgur-Der and also a director of Ozgur-Der Diyarbakir branch, was detained in Northern Iraq on 1 June and is still held since in an unknown location.

Metin Demir, who has gone to Iraqi Kurdistan for observe the current situation and making some negotiations with some authorities of Erbil, was detained by Kurdish Democratic Party/ KDP forces as he passed Habur Border Gate at 1st of June. At the beginning, the regional Kurdish authorities denied giving information about where he has been held but later it has been learned by unofficial sources that he was sent to Duhok Police Headquarters. Neither regional police authorities nor KDP forces made any release about what was he charged with and why been held in custody. After seven days passed Metin Demir’s family and his lawyer who are worried about his life, applied to Police officers at 8th of June but this time Duhok Police Headquarter officers denied that Metin Demir was put in custody.

Metin Demir was entered Iraq by his legal Turkish passport from the border pass. As a human rights acitivist and well known people in Diyarbakir, he never faced with any arrest call nor in Turkey neither internationally. There was no reason for his arrest or detain. Although he is a citizen of Turkish Republic, no information had been given about his whereabouts to Turkish Embassy in Iraq also.

After the disappereance of Metin Demir under custody, 18th of June dated another illegal act against human rights by KDP forces of Northern Iraq. Another two members of Ozgur-Der who are trying to get information about Metin Demir’s whereabouts, were also detained by KDP regional authority forces without any criminal act charge.

Two human rights activists; Mustafa Eğilli and Mehmet Hasip Yokuş entered Northern Iraq at 12th of June for getting information about Metin Demir’s current situation and searching for jurisprudiancial help to detainee Metin Demir. But despite their all efforts and negotiations of Kurdish authorities, they can’t be able to reach the disappeared detanee. By the way they decided to turn back to Turkey for reporting this false detaining in Turkey. On the way to Turkey Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş, are held and detained together also by KDP security forces at the İbrahim Halil Border Gate, at Zaho city of Northern Iraq.
Informations are coming from unofficial sources. Neither Kurdish regional police authorities nor KDP forces have been giving any information about our friends situation.

The arrest of Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş after making the negotioations with regional authority forces in for Metin Demir’s sake; despite these two activits are passed from the border one week before without any problem, is clearly shows the discreationary and out of law acts of some forces in Northern Iraq which is under a brutal occupation.

Raise Your Voice to Oppose this Lost in Custody Cases!
Urgent Call for Action!

Ozgur-Der made several press releases and meetings for the realease of activist Maetin Demir, Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş. Despite all aplications officially and unofficially to Kurdish regional authority both in Iraq and in Turkish representatives and despite all aplications to Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs; no improvement gained.

Ozgur-Der demands from Kurdish Democratic Party/ KDP and regional Kurdish goverment to release Metin Demir, Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş immediately and make a stop to this meaningless and out of law acts.

As Northern Iraq is in a very complex situation and under occupation, we are anxious about our friends hang over to US occupation forces without any reason. As it is known occupation forces are detaining and arresting so many human rights activists, anti-imperialist activists and innocent Muslim peoples without any charge and without any right to be judged. We are also anxies for our member’s lifes.

We call for all human rights organizations, NGO’s, press sources, anti-imperialist forces and Islamic opponents to show concern on this disappereances in custody facts and take urgent action for realese of all our friends. This symbolic disappereances in custody is another result without law and wrongdoing of occupation in Iraq.

We want information about our friends current situation from KDP security forces!
We want our friends back immediately!
Release Metin Demir, Mustafa Eğilli and M. Hasip Yokuş!

Press Release: 01
24 June 2006- Istanbul

Free Thought and Educational Rights Association

Who are Metin Demir, Mustafa Eğilli and Mehmet Hasip Yokuş?

Metin Demir is a member of Ozgur-Der and working at the Board of Directors of Ozgur-Der Diyarbakir Branch. As a human rights activist, he is staying and working in Diyarbakir. Demir is married and father of three children. He has never been to Iraq before. There is no arrest order about him, neither in Turkey nor internationally.

Mustafa Eğilli is a member of Ozgur-Der and working at the Board of Directors of Ozgur-Der Central Office. He is staying in Istanbul. Eğilli is editor in chief of Turkish Quarterly Al-Quds which is making publication on Middle East and Palestine Struggle. Mustafa Eğilli is working as an activist at the Foreign Relations Comittee of Ozgur-Der. He is also at the editors board of at web site.

M. Hasip Yokuş is a member of Ozgur-Der Diyarbakir branch and a human rights activist. He is staying in Bingöl and working in an official hospital. He is also a volunteer in humanitarian help activities and a well known and respected man among people of the region.
