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A call for help

9. December 2006

from the family of a murdered Iraqi prisoner in a US jail

We the undersigned, the family of the martyr Jamil Mohayssen al Dalla Ali Al Ani. We beg those in charge, the human rights organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and all the Human Rights Organizations all over the world to help us please get the body of our father may the Lord rest him in peace.. Our father whose death announcement ordeal was announced to us in the US Occupation jail at Buca where he was detained.. He was jailed under the number of 300456 and his name is Jamil Mohayssen al Dalla Ali Al Ani.

Our father didn’t suffer from any disease and we have no idea and we don’t know the cause of his death in the US detention camp..

We did go to Buca jail and we were told that he was transferred to Baghdad airport detention Camps (Crowbar) and when we inquired and after the hell we have gone through, that we wish not even for our worst enemy.. Somebody came and told us that our father’s body was kept at the US base at Nassirya.. We went to Nassirya and we didn’t get any further and no one gave us an answer..

Today we are being thrown from one US base and from US detention camps to another.. to no avail in this very dangerous environment and these very difficult times in Iraq.

Here we come to beg again those with dignity and generosity and those with humanity.. if there is still some humanity left and all the Human Rights Organizations if humans have still their rights.. to help us, in these days of darkness and chaos..

Please those who could help us get our father’s body to contact us at the following email contact:

The Lord is the most generous..
The family of the martyr Jamil Mohayssen al Dalla Ali Al Ani
6th December 2006

