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Emergency state, much movement, little content

14. June 2007

The protests against the G8 in Rostock remained on a poor political level

[Banner of the Anti-imperialist Camp in Rostock: Stop the €uro-American war$, troops out of Afghanistan]

The massive mobilisation of some 80.000 on June 2 in Rostock is certainly a success. Such mass protests against the liberalist oligarchy with strong international participation is for Germany exceptional. The fact that the demonstration had to take place very far away from both the summit as well as from the popular audience is due to the massive restrictions imposed by the federal government as well as by the provincial government led by the SPD.

A question regarding the political message of the demonstration must, however, be posed. That we refuse the G8 has been received, fair enough. But what else? The slogan like for a “better” or “another world” or “make capitalism history” are not only abstract but also noncommittal. What concretely are we fighting for to reach these aims? Although a demonstration is no seminary we have to question why the resistance struggles in the Middle East and Latin America, and especially in Venezuela, did not play any significant role?! That the Arab people is the main target of Euro-America, that this Arab people has the right to self-determination and to resist was no topic in Rostock. Yes, there were some few anti-imperialist and antagonist voices but the mainstream of the demonstration simply neglected this central problem.

We do not want to diminish the importance of social or anti-racist demands. But how one believes to fight the main evil of the epoch, the imperial war world order without not even naming the real opposing forces? While it is not openly pronounced the equidistant formula “no to the US war, no to the armed resistance” remains dominant. It helps the human rights bombers of right and left liberalist brand and displays the demise of the left.

What remains? ATTAC, completely affirming the ruling system, strongly denounced militancy and thus helps those within the state who advocate the use of rubber bullets and paramilitary forces against protesters. One can be of different opinion about the political usefulness of street militancy according to different cases. We, however believe, that sometimes we must be prepared for militant self-defence also in the imperialist centres.

Regarding Rostock we think that the organised militancy should have and must have been combined with a clear anti-imperialist political programme.

Initiativ e.V., June 2007
German affiliate of the Anti-imperialist Camp
