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Yoav Bar released

10. January 2009

Zionists order cessation of political opposition

The political activist and member of the leading board of the anti-Zionist movement Abnaa El-Balad has been released on January 7, 2009, after one day of detention. He had been arrested following a manifestation in Haifa organised by Arab and anti-Zionist movements against the Israeli massacre and aggression in Gaza. The official justification of the arrest was “agitation”, “passing agitation materials” and “participation in an illegal demonstration”.

After his release Bar explained: “They arrested me immediately after the manifestation, in which we posed on the road junction with anti war flyers, as we do everyday since the beginning of the aggression. They accused me of participation in an illegal manifestation and in disturbing the public order. I denied all accusation. The demonstration was legal and no violence occurred. The only thing I carried was the Palestinian scarf, which is either illegal”.

At the court, the Israeli police demanded a 5 week house arrest and that Bar is prohibited to participate in any public political activity for weeks. Having no real accusation against Bar, the judge had to release him with the condition to pay a mandatory of 1000 Israeli Shekel in the case he participates in another “illegal manifestation”.

Bar interpreted this arrest as “an attempt of the Israeli police to suppress the daily peaceful rallies organised by us”.
