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Appeal remove Hamas from EU Terror list launched

30. March 2009

Call to be officially communicated to the candidates for the European elections

In this commemoration of the Land Day, symbol of the Palestinian resistance, the call for the withdrawal of Hamas fom the European list of the terrorist organizations, launched on February 1st, 2009 in Brussels, received the support of 1 200 signatories. Among them, 275 personalities of the academic, literary, artistic and militant of the Palestinian cause fields. The signatories emanate from 22 of 27 countries of the European Union and from 40 countries outside the European Union, representing all the continents.

The call is sent to the candidates for the election of the European Parliament which will be held on June 7th, 2009. Very known personalities in the European arena, as Jose Saramago and Mairead Maguire, Nobel prize, Henri Alleg and his wife Gilberte, François Houtart, Tariq Ramadan, Gilad Atzmon, Yvonne Ridley, Domenico Losurdo, Giulietto Chiesa, Norman Finkelstein, James Petras, Christine Delphy, Dyab Abou Jahjah, Daniel Bensaïd, Tariq Ali, Virginia Tilley, Gretta Duisenberg have expressed their support to the initiative.

Till the European elections which are held on June 7th, 2009, the first goal of the website is to go on collecting endorsements on a wide scale. It also allows the signatories to express their motivation and to consult articles dedicated to the Palestinian resistance.

The call will be officially communicated to the top candidates for the European elections at the beginning of May and their answers will be published on the website.

More information : Nadine Rosa-Rosso 0032484597802
