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Photo documentary of the Sumud project in Lebanon

12. September 2009

A commented photo gallery follows the first mission of the voluntary association Sumud in a Palestinian refugee camp

The reports from the field can be retrieved here:
First report
Second report
Third report

The same pictures can be downloaded with higher resolution from the following links (1.5MB):


Upon arrival at the Beirut airport the voluntaries were received by a member of the partner organisation Nashet in his flat.


The common lunch at the river in Saida was the upbeat of the project. It was the first encounter to get to know each other.


After having eaten the smoke of the Nargile (Shisha) should not lack…


Meeting with Osama Saad, leader of the Nasserist People’s Party and former MP


The chairman of the Marxist-Leninist People’s Democratic Party stressed the great importance of the Lebanese national resistance fort he communist movement.


The media interest was great. Already on the first day a journalist of the Lebanese daily Al Akhbar interviewed the work brigade.


The participants slept right in the building to be restructured.


For the electrical installation the walls had to be pried open.


Workshop with the Lebanese NGO „Youth Advocacy Policy“ about the legal situation of Palestinians in Lebanon.


In smaller groups the contradiction between the general human rights (UN) and the ones of the Palestinians in Lebanon were discussed.


Two representatives of the People’s Committee presented their tasks and their structure.


Optimisation of the work flow with regard to time and resources.


Lebanese and Palestinian food prepared by our friends to be enjoyed after hard work.


In the breaks with Mediterranean heat the water melon is the favourite fruit.


The after work surplus energy was spend with sport.


As a sign of solidarity with the Palestinian people a floral wreath was laid down at the martyrs’ memorial.


The camp’s grave yard full with Palestinians killed by Israel does not offer any more space.


Zafer al-Khateed, chairman of Nashet, speaks on the political situation of the Palestinian people ofter the Nakba (expulsion 1948) up to now.


Left: Enrico Sodacci, leader of the Sumud work brigade in Einel Hilweh; right: Zafer al-Khateeb


Castle built by the crusaders in 1228 as a symbol of Saida.


In the old town of Saida.


View over the refugee camp. In the background: the garbage dump for entire Saida.


Lively market of the camp.


In the biggest hospital of the camp Al Nidaa midwifery costs USD 20, in a Lebanese state clinic some USD 100 per night.


On the way to the commemoration for Abu Ali Mustafa (secretary general of the PFLP murdered by Israel in 2001).


Commemorative address for Abu Ali Mustafa in front of the martyrs’ memorial on the camp’s grave yard.


The building must be party fettled.


All doors and windows must be painted anew.


In South Lebanon we visited sights of the wars with Israel. The fortress Beaufort was used by Hezbollah against the Israeli invasion in 2006.


Behind the cliff lays the embattled Litani river.


After the partial withdrawal of Israel the El Khiam prison was transformed into a museum displaying the torture methods etc. Israel destroyed this corpus delicti in 2006.


Israeli border.


Behind the border the Israeli settlement Kefar Jilaadi.


After the tour to the south the voluntieers spent a night on the beach of Tyr.


Meeting with the chairman of the camp’s PFLP.


The restructured building as the new „Youth Center Sumud“.


Inauguration: Dabke dancing group.


The brigade members with their Palestinian friends in front of the rebuilt youth center right before their departure on September 4.

The building before the work of the Brigade (July 2009)

After being renovated (September 2009)
