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Endorsers Int’l Solidarity Initiative with the Syrian People

For democracy, social justice, peace and national sovereignty

31. May 2012

Whoever wants to sign pls write to

Following the list of the first signatories of the International Solidarity Initiative for the Syrian People.

• Leo Gabriel, journalist, social anthropologist and member of the International Council of the World Social Forum, Vienna, Austria
• Moreno Pasquinelli, Anti-imperialist Camp, Assisi, Italy
• Carlos Varea González, university professor and leading member of the “Campaign against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq” (CEOSI), Madrid, Spain
• Santiago Alba Rico, Spanish writer, resident in Tunis, Tunisia
• Franz Fischer, Palestine activist and CC member of the Labour Party of Switzerland, Basel
• Thomas Zmrzly, spokesman of “Initiativ e.V.”, Duisburg, Germany
• Mustafa Ilhan, journalist, Kurdish activist, Aachen, Germany
• Wilhelm Langthaler, Anti-imperialist Camp, Vienna, Austria
• Mohamed Aburous, Austrian Arab Cultural Centre (OKAZ), Vienna, Austria
• Qais Abdalla, Iraqi activist, Vienna, Austria
• Imad Garbaya, Tunisian House Austria
• Leonardo Mazzei, editor of the website, Lucca, Italy
• Nasir Loyand, foreign relations responsible of the Left Radical of Afghanistan (LRA), Jallallabad
• Atilio A. Boron, political scientist, Buenos Aires, Argentina
• Carlos Taibo, writer, publisher and professor of Ciencia Política y de la Administración en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
• Carlos Fernández Liria, writer and professor of Filosofía en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
• Gilberto López y Rivas, research professor at the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
• Luis Alegre Zahonero, profesor de la facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
• Teresa Aranguren, journalist and writer, Madrid, Spain
• Juan Carlos Monedero Fernández, titulary professor de Universidad Departamento de Ciencia Política y de la Administración II Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología Campus Complutense de Somosaguas, Madrid, Spain
• Jorge Riechmann, poet writer and titulary professor de Filosofía Moral Departamento de Filosofía UAM, Madrid, Spain
• Javier Sádaba, philosopher, Catedrático de Ética y Filosofía de la Religión en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y miembro del Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho de la Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
• Ignacio Gutierrez de Terán, arabist, professor de la UAM, Madrid, Spain
• Jaime Pastor, proffesor en el Departamento de Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
• Samah Idriss, writer and editor, Beirut, Lebanon
• Sara Hassan, Egyptian activist, Amnesty International, Vienna, Austria
• Gernot Bodner, Agro-physician, docent at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
• Fouad Ibrahim, democratic oppositionist from Saudi Arabia, London, England
• Said Shihabi, leader of the “Movement Free Bahrain”, London, England
• Anton Stengl, publisher and translator, Munich, Germany
• Zouhaier Maghzaoui, Popular Movememnt, Tunisia
• Wolfgang Gombocz, retired University Professor, Graz University, resp. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Graz, Austria
• Chihab Krainem, student at the university of Vienna with Tunisian background, Austria
• Elisabeth Lindner-Riegler, high school teacher, Vienna, Austria
• Péter Székely, Ungerian Latin American Solidarity Association, Budapest, Hungary
• Nadine Rosa-Rosso, anti-imperialist activist, Bruxelles, Belgium
• Ribhi Halloum, GMJ Executive Chairman & General Coordinator, Amman, Jordan
• Ahmed Karim, Iraqi Patriotic Communist Current and member of the Iraq Patriotic Alliance, Prague, Czech Republic
• Marin Trusca, co-presidente Romanian Communist League (LCR), Romania
• Jónatham F. Moriche, writer, ATTAC-Spain member
• Jamalat Abou Yusef, Palestinian anti-capitalist activist, France
• Massimo De Santi, president of CIEP (International Committee for Peace Education), Italy
• Temur Pipia, Secretary of the Peace Committee of Georgia
• Sinfo Fernández, translator, Madrid, Spain
• Franz Pöschl,pharmacist, Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany
• Nicola Abu-Khalil, Germany
• Johann Schögler, Styrian Peace Platform, Austria
• Martin Regelsberger, technician for water projects, Gleisdorf, Austria
• Errikos Finalis, International Relations Department of KOE (Communist Organization of Greece)
• Anne-Charlotte Malterre Barthes, researcher at the ETH, Zürich, Switzerland
• Eric Walberg, author of Postmodern Imperialism: Geopolitics and the Great Games and writes for Al-Ahram Weekly, Canada
• Franz Sölkner, Styrian Peace Platform, Austria
• Veronika Rohrbacher, Systems analyst, Vienna, Austria
• Alberto Nadal, Spain
• Awni al Kalemji, leader of the Iraqi Patriotic Alliance (IPA)
• Pedro Rojo Pérez, president of Fundación Al Fanar para el Conocimiento Árabe, and member of CEOSI, Amman, Jordan
• Haifa Zangana, Iraqi writer, London
• Mundher Aadhami, Iraqi pedagogue, London
• Juan Hernández Zubizarreta, professor for law, Universidad del País Vasco, Basque country
• Prof. Néstor Suleiman, president Federación de Entidades Argentino Árabes de la provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina,
• Harald Etzbach, journalist and translator, Berlin, Germany
• Angela Klein, Germany
• Claudia Karas, Germany
• Angelika Schneider, Lilienthal, Germany
• Christian Haasen, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Hamburg, Germany
• Sophia Deeg, translator, author, activist; Berlin, Germany
• Román Munguía Huato, Mexico
• Manuel Aguilar Mora, UACM, México D.F., Mexico
• Gretta Duisenberg, founder and chair of the Stop the Occupation Association, board member of the Free Gaza Movement, laureate of the Human Rights Price in 2006, Netherlands
• Liliane Cordova Kaczerginski, internationalist, antizionist activist – France/Spain
• Thomas Kukovec, agronomist and journalist, Leibnitz, Austria
• Martin Forberg, Berlin, Germany

From Syria:

• Haytham Manna, spokesman of the National Coordination Body for Democratic Change (NBC)
• Michel Kilo, senior democratic activist and founder of the Syrian Democratic Platform
• Ayham Haddad, MD, activist

Preable to the International Solidarity Initiative with the Syrian People
