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Results of a fact-finding mission to Ukraine incl Donetsk

20. July 2014

How to create the conditions for political negotiations

It’s still time to stop the war

Declaration to the Ukrainian and international press from the fact finding mission on behalf of the European Left, the Prague Spring II Network against Right Wing Extremism and Populism, and various networks of the world wide Peace Movement which has gathered recently at the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014

The big misunderstanding between two different sectors of the Ukrainian society is turning into a bloody war of still unknown dimensions. With the purpose of stopping this war immediately a delegation composed of representatives of the above mentioned organizations and initiatives has visited from July 9th to 16th, 2014 Kiew, Charkow, and Donezk in the framework of a political fact finding mission, coming up with the following surprising conclusions:

1. Dialogue and political negotiations are still possible if the moderate parts of both sides of the Ukrainian civil society can impose their peace building criteria against the militaristic wings of their respective alliances.

2. The international peace movement can assist in this process, if the Ukrainian government accepts the following two proposals:

a. Calling for the formation of teams of human rights observers in the areas of conflict.

b. The organization of a peace conference of the different sectors of Ukrainian civil society (pro-governmental and anti-governmental / pro-Maidan and anti-Maidan etc.) to be held in Germany, Italy, or Austria in the near future.

3. The governments of the Independent Republics of Donezk and Lugansk are willing to participate in direct negotiations with the Ukrainian government under the following conditions:

a. The exchange of self-defense fighters and Ukrainian soldiers in prison.

b. The mutual recognition of the Independent Republics of Donezk and Lugansk and the Ukrainian State.

c. The establishment of humanitarian corridors in order to avoid the constant attacks on refugees and other parts of the civilian population.

d. The acceptance of the OSCE as an international supervision body of the natural resources (above all fresh water) and a denunciation process of war crimes.

In case that this negotiation process between the two sides of the conflict leads to a cease fire the Independent Republics of Donezk and Lugansk would submit to these peace proposals and would put their proposition for a new constitution to a referendum where the population would decide on the specific forms of government in the region of Donbass.

Having talked to the victims of the destruction in Slavansk/ Mariynka and other small towns in the area of Donbass, the fact finding mission calls on the international and Ukrainian civil society as well as progressive political parties to take urgent actions in order to press the Ukrainian government and the brigades of self-defense in the area of Donbass for an immediate cease fire and the beginning of a process of negotiation in the above mentioned terms.

Matyias Benek – ATTAC Hungary and coordinating member of the Prague Spring II Network against Far Right Extremism and Populism

Leo Gabriel – Director of Institute for Intercultural Research and Cooperation in Vienna, Austria, Member of the International Council of the World Social Forum

Lucas Wirl – Program Director of the International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility, Co-Organizer of the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014, Germany

Thomas Zmzly – Co-Organizer of the international – Initiative, Member of Anti-Imperialist Camp, Germany
