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Stop Bosch foundation’s collaboration with “Jewish National Fund”

Support the open letter with your signature

17. January 2016

Palestinians, Africans, and opponents of colonialism reject apartheid

Do not harm the good name of the Robert Bosch Foundation by collaboration with the JNF

Dear Professor Rogall,
Dear board members of the Robert Bosch Foundation,
Dear Minister Schmid,

On 3 December 2015, there was a meeting in Stuttgart between the board of directors of the Robert Bosch Foundation (which owns 92% of the multinational automobile supplier Robert- Bosch GmbH), the Jewish National Fund (JNF) and representatives of the Israeli embassy, the Baden-Württemberg State government (Minister for Economic Affairs Nils Schmid) and prominent businesspeople and politicians. According the reports by the Jüdische Allgemeine newspaper on 10 December and the Jewish National Fund itself (on its website), the main topic was joint projects in third countries. The two organizations appear to be focusing on Africa and Arab countries. Sustainability and innovation are key concepts which are mentioned again and again in these reports. Utilization of German know-how by the JNF is also a subject..

central concern of representatives of the JNF and the Robert Bosch Foundation was a topic at the meeting: since JNF projects are often rejected, the Robert Bosch Foundation is supposed to act essentially as a foot in the door for them. We strongly oppose these intentions, for there are good reasons for rejecting the JNF.

On the basis of research, including on-site research, we know that the history and racist activities of the JNF are not–as claimed–in the service of sustainable development and environmental protection, but are linked closely to the expulsion of the Palestinians and the ethnic cleansing of the historic territory of Palestine…

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