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Peace Conference: what future for the Palestinian people

Rome Intl Forum, 20 and April 21

19. March 2024

Guests from: Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Libya, Morocco,Tunisia, Turkey, Greece, Russia, Georgia, China, United States,Germany, Austria, Ireland,Great Britain, South Africa…


Last October a major international conference took place in Rome entitled “For a true and just peace, stopping the third world war”.

Delegates from forty anti-imperialist organizations from 25 countries and every continent participated. The Conference concluded by unanimously approving a Resolution translated into multiple languages   which you can read here:

Thus was born an international coordination called “STOP THE THIRD WORLD WAR – International Peace Initiative” (STOPWW3) and which in various countries is engaging in solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance and to stop the strategic aggression of the US-NATO bloc EU to Russia and in the future to China. The Conference was long prepared and organized by the FRONTE del DISSENSO, a democratic, anti-imperialist and revolutionary Italian political movement.

Given the immense tragedy taking place against the Palestinian people and the Resistance, as a FRONTE del DISSENSO, with the support of the international coordination “STOP THE THIRD WORLD WAR – International Peace Initiative” (STOPWW3), we are organizing a new international conference in Rome in the days 20 and April 21, 2024. The title of this meeting is “WHAT FUTURE FOR THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE?”

Why this meeting? For four fundamental reasons. The first: to express the firmest solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance. The second: to give voice to the Resistance in the West, where a brutal and Islamophobic disinformation campaign continues. The third: strengthen the dialogue between the Palestinian, Arab, European and international Resistance movements; The Fourth: contribute to the dialogue and international cooperation of all the different political and cultural forces, secular and religious, who fight against imperialism and for respect for the liberation of oppressed peoples.

This is why we are inviting, together with representatives of the Resistance, important European, Arab, North American, Russian intellectuals, etc.

The meeting will be divided into three sessions: (1) ZIONISM, THE JEWISH QUESTION AND THE NATURE OF ISRAEL; (2) AFTER OCTOBER 7: WHAT CHANGES FOR THE PALESTINIAN RESISTANCE; (3) THE MIDDLE EAST IN THE TRANSITION TO THE MULTIPOLAR WORLD. On April 21st afternoon we plan a round table dedicated to the conflict between the US-NATO-EU bloc and Russia and how to stop the risk of World War III.

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