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On the fringes of the Adivasi resistance

17. March 2011
Sumud fact-finding mission in Bastar, Chhattisgarh, India

In February 2011 the anti-imperialist voluntary organisation Sumud conducted a fact finding regarding the Adivasis’ resistance. We separated into two teams, one going to West Bengal and Jharkhand, the other one to Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Here some commented photographs from a visit to the fringes of the liberated areas in south Chhattisgarh right at the border to Andhra Pradesh. Actually we have been exploring the possibility for a small medical assistance project. Regarding the border zone we found out that “Doctors Without Borders” (MSF) have been operating there already for several years. It came, however, to the knowledge that urgent support is needed deeper inside. The visit has been facilitated by the Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee (APCLC) as well as Tudum Debba (Adivasi Drum), upon whose invitation we were endeavouring the project. We wholeheartedly thank both for their indispensable support. All pictures shot by Helena Manhartsberger. She can be contacted at:
