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All posts for tag: India

GN Saibaba again on hunger strike
27/5/2022 · Committee for the defense and release of prof. GN Saibaba
GN Saibaba
26 May 2022 Dr. G.N. Saibaba, a 90% physically disabled person languishing in Nagpur central Jail started a hunger strike for the second time from Saturday 21st May 2022 seeking immediate resolution of his demands. Dr. G.N. Saibaba, also sat on hunger strike one and half years ago during lockdown in the jail demanding the immediate handover of medicines supplied by his family members and advocates, supply of books, letters etc. Some of these demands had been accepted. On 10th May 2022, the jail authorities installed a CCTV camera in front of his Anda Cell without providing any valid reason. This 24-hour camera surveillance is a clear violation of his fundamental right to privacy, life, liberty, and bodily integrity. The installed CCTV camera records everything 24X7 including use of … [read more]
Release Dr. GN Saibaba Immediately!
Press Invitation March 9th 2021 To Editors and Correspondents, Subject:  After almost seven years in jail and rapidly deteriorating health in judicial custody, on February 13th 2021, Vasantha, Dr. GN Saibaba’s wife, received a call from the Nagpur Central Jail informing her that her husband has contracted the COVID-19. Dr. Saibaba, a wheelchair-bound person with over 90% disability suffering from over 19 different ailments including muscle atrophy and a clot in his brain, has been denied basic medical care in prison while being imprisoned in the inhumane anda cell. He has not been permitted to meet his family throughout the lockdown and was assured letters from home, a basic right of every prisoner, only after a prolonged hunger strike in jail. With weakened immunity and … [read more]
Babri Masjid demolition a criminal act
1/11/2020 · National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM)
NAPM is shocked and dismayed at the verdict of the CBI Special Court in acquitting all 32 persons accused of being responsible for the demolition of Babri masjid on December 6, 1992. For reasons best known to it, the CBI led a weak prosecution based upon defective evidence, even though the Liberhan Commission after its detailed investigation (1992-2009) pointed to the involvement of senior RSS and BJP leaders, including L K Advani, Murli Manohar Joshi and Uma Bharti. It is indeed sad commentary for  our democracy that active participants in a movement such as this often say one thing inside Court and the exact opposite outside it and yet go scot-free. The Judgement running in to 2,300 pages then goes at length to say that there was no active conspiracy, … [read more]
Left Indian leader Saibaba re-arrested
7/1/2016 · Committee for the Defrense and Release of GN Saibaba & Delhi University Teachers Association
GN Saibaba
Dr. Saibaba is a professor of English in Ram Lal Anand College of Delhi University and a democratic rights activist who has spoken for the rights of dalits, adivasis and oppressed masses for over twenty years and led a campaign against the state sponsored war codenamed Operation Green Hunt in Central India. He is also a man with 90% physical disability and moves in a wheelchair. Despite this, the Maharashtra Police has charged him under various sections of UAPA, declared him a “dreaded Maoist”, held him in the ‘anda’ cell of the Nagpur Central Prison for 14 months. During this time it has not been able to prove any of charges made against him. He was released on interim bail by the Bombay High Court in May 2015 on medical grounds as his health deteriorated rapidly inside jail, the … [read more]
India: G N Saibaba on hunger strike
Dr. Saibaba, who is presently lodged in the notorious Anda Barrack of the Nagpur Prison has been denied bail twice by the Sessions Court, Gadchiroli and once by the Nagpur Bench of Bombay High Court. In the last order by the Sessions Court dated 4th March, 2015 the Sessions Judge referred to the reports of the Superintendent and the Chief Medical Officer of the Nagpur Central Prison which, while admitting the delicate medical condition of Saibaba, stated that he was being treated at the Government Medical College Hospital as well as the Super Speciality Hospital in Nagpur and that they were providing food supplements as per his medical requirements. It was on the basis of such reports that bail on medical grounds was denied to Saibaba. However, despite such claims by the prison … [read more]
Saibaba denied bailed
Despite strong legal grounds for releasing an “infirm” person on bail, under Section 437 of the CrPC despite clear and irrefutable evidence that he is 90% disabled and ill, and that, precisely because of his infirmity, he cannot jump bail, the court has decided he needs to remain arrested and in custody. The full order is not yet available. Today Dr Saibaba has sent a letter from jail stating that he is suffering from “excruciating pains in the joints, legs and vertebra”, that these are “ignored”, and that “no medicine is provided or tests are conducted”. Despite suffering cardiac problems and high blood pressure, “irrelevant medicines are given, like pain killers...which are no use.... BP control medicines...are not given”. When he is medicated it is “without … [read more]
G.N. Saibaba, Indian democratic leader, kidnapped
G.N. Saibaba at Dehli university 2010
We call upon everybody to send protest messages to Indian diplomatic missions. Condemn the dastardly clandestine abduction of Dr. GN Saibaba, Joint-Secretary of RDF, by the Maharashtra Police! Today, the 9th of May, plain-clothed personnel of the Maharashtra Police abducted Dr. GN Saibaba while he was returning home from Daulat Ram College in Delhi University after examination duty. Dr. Saibaba, who suffers from 90% disability and is on a wheelchair, was blindfolded and pushed into a vehicle. After this secretive arrest of Dr Saibaba from within the university premises, it is believed he is being taken to Gadchiroli in Maharashtra by flight. None of his family members were informed and after repeated efforts to contact him, the driver of his vehicle informed the family of his … [read more]
Activist-scholars tour in Adivasi hotspot, India
Tour will start in Pakhanjur (Kanker) and move downwards along the south-western border of Chhattisgarh, to Konta (Sukma). Jagargunda onwards the troupe will travel off-roads. **************** As part of facilitation program for 'Indigenous People's Vision Document on Ethos, Education & Livelihood' a joint study tour is proposed so that voices can be heard from those in the tribal community who are on the other side of the divide caused by modern education, religion & industrial development. For, it is also an obligation of the academia to clear the cobwebs of conflicting ideologies & vested interests that often try to smother the voices of the last man and then claim spokesmanship. This tour is also an assertion of anthrophiles' rights to walk and mingle unhindered in the … [read more]
Kashmiri hanged after fake trial
10/2/2013 · Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF), India
Death to the System which has hanged Afzal Guru in a dastardly manner! “Let life be dead, but death must not be allowed to live” - Marx Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF) condemns the Indian government in the strongest possible terms for hanging Mohammad Afzal Guru at Tihar Jail this morning in a dastardly manner. The process of his arrest, trial, his sentencing by the lower court and the upholding of the death sentence by the Supreme Court, the rejection of his petition to the president, denial of his right to a judicial review of this rejection, and finally his secret hanging – all point towards the farcical nature of Indian judiciary and the complicity of the entire present political system in persecuting political dissidents. Moreover, we also condemn the arrest of Prof. … [read more]
Oppose Ban on RDF in Andhra Pradesh
12/8/2012 · Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)
We strongly condemn this act of banning and criminalisation of our organisation and demand the immediate withdrawal of this authoritarian ban. The Government Order brands RDF as “unlawful” and bans it “with immediate effect”. The GO links RDF with the banned CPI(Maoist) by calling it a “frontal organisation” of the Maoist party. Falsely implicating RDF as “part of Tactical United Front”, it dubiously enlists the following as “unlawful activities” of the organisation: (1) Sub serving the interest and objectives of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) whose avowed objective is to overthrow the lawfully established Government by means of force and violence through terrorist activities involving the use of firearms and explosives; (2) Urging people to fight … [read more]
Assam violence
1/8/2012 · by Ram Puniyani, India
The raging violence in Assam’s Bodo Territorial Autonomous Districts, Khokrajhar and Chirang (July 2012) has shaken the conscience of the nation. The Prime Minister has rushed to the area and called it as a Kalank, a shame for the nation. He also reprimanded the Chief Minister from his own party for the violence. There was some inexcusable delay in deploying the army in the area, which resulted in worsening of the issue. In this case of violence while on one side there is a great loss to the lives of people, still the larger tragedy is that lakhs of people have been displaced from their areas, home and hearth, just around the sowing season. The refugee camps housing them are grossly inadequate and not having enough facilities so far. Still at another level this violence has been … [read more]
Another massacre against dalits
25/6/2012 · Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)
Yet another massacre on dalit people in Andhra Pradesh shows that the landowning castes still turn violent when dalits assert themselves to take over land. Four dalit people were hacked to death, and about 30 dalit men and women were critically injured in a well-orchestrated attack by Turpu Kapu backward caste brahmanical forces in Lakshimpeta village of Vangara block in Srikakulam District on 12 June 2012. The brahmanical forces targeted 60 dalit families in the village with crude and brutal weapons like bombs, sickles, hatchets and axes supported and patronised by the ruling Congress Party leaders of the region. Burada Sundara Rao (45), Chitri Appadu (35), Nivarti Venkati (65) and Nivarti Sangameshu (40) died in the bloodbath. Bodduru Papaiah died in King George Hospital, … [read more]
Release Uttpal Unconditionally and Immediately
17/5/2012 · Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF)
Uttpal has been working for Jharkhand Aben, a well-known and popular revolutionary cultural oragnisation of Jharkhandis in the state. Ever since the arrest of cultural activist Jiten Marandi, Uttpal has been actively conducting the organisation. He is a singer and a composer. He was travelling from Ranchi to a village in Dumuri to meet Aben’s local team. Before he reached the village, where other cultural activists were waiting for him, he was taken away by the police from the bus around 3pm on 7th May. This is not for the first time the police illegally detained Uttpal. A few months after Jiten Marandi’s arrest, Uttapal was abducted by goons employed by the police and was made to ‘disappear’ for many days. Later he was implicated in a false case and produced in a court of law … [read more]
Indian Maoist leader Kishanji murdered in cold blood
8/12/2011 · by B D Sharma and G N Saibaba
According CPI (Maoist) statement issued to the media on today, Kishanji was arrested and tortured and then brutally killed. This murder looks much similar to that of Azad’s in July 2010, when Azad was brutally tortured and killed while he was dealing with the Union Government’s offer of peace talks through union Home Ministry appointed interlocutor. In these circumstances, the Joint Forces’ story of a fierce gun battle in Burishol forest of Paschim Midnapore district comes out to be a concocted one. It is significant that the mother of Kishanji, Ms. Madhuramma while maintaining it is a fake encounter has also demanded a judicial enquiry. Under the circumstances, we demand: 1. The fake encounter killing of Kishanji should be investigated by a Judicial Enquiry Committee of a … [read more]
Public Meeting Against Military intervention in Central India
27/5/2011 · Forum against the war on people
A Release to the Press Today, on 21st May, Forum against War on People successfully conducted a public meeting to register strong protest against the army encroachment in Abujhmad, Bastar. The speakers included eminent political activists, writers, civil rights activists, trade union activists and media persons. All the speakers in unison registered their strongest protest against the latest move by the Indian state to build the country’s biggest army base in Abujhmad, Bastar. Although it is being called a ‘army training camp’ people are in no illusion that it is a calculated step by the Indian state to move in the army in this already militarized zone of central India. The real intension of the Indian government is clear to everyone with its repeated attempts to use both … [read more]
Action Alert against the unlawful and forceful land acquisition for POSCO
Now it’s confirmed that the state government was lying to the people of the state and create a ambience of confusion for smooth acquisition and hand over of land to the said Multinational Company (MNCs). The inference: in order to protect the interest of the MNCs, the state government could play treachery with its own people who voted it to power. Around 20 platoons of police are currently camping at Balithutha , the strategic entry point to the proposed villages area. It was informed that at around 4 a.m. today , 4 platoons of police force entered in to the Polang village and started destroying the beetle vines. The process is supervised by the district administration of Jagatsingpur and Industrial Development Corporation (IDCO). The administration is planning to destroy the … [read more]
India: Stop War on People!
13/5/2011 · Forum against War on People
Stop War on People! Withdraw the Central Forces! Scrap the Planned Army Bases in Bastar! Invitation to Public Meeting STOP ARMY ENCROACHMENT IN BASTAR! OPPOSE INDIAN STATE’S WAR ON PEOPLE! 3.00pm – 8.00pm, 21 May 2011 (Saturday), Gandhi Peace Foundation, DDU Marg, Near ITO The Indian state’s war on the people in the name of Operation Green Hunt (OGH) is about to complete two years. These two years have left a bloody trail of state brutalities. Soon after the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) started its second term in 2009, it was hell bent in repressing the people’s movements for their land, water, forests, and mountains. Thus it declared war against the people in the name of OGH. In the leadership of the central government, the state governments of Chhattisgarh, … [read more]
Urgent Appeal from POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti (PPSS)
This clearance is given on the basis of compliance report made by the Odisha government which is factually and legally incorrect and misleading. Mr. Jairam Ramesh and the state government of Odisha disrespected the resolution of Palli sabha (Village council ) that opposed any handover of land to the proposed project. As per section 6 of the Forest Rights Act 2006 villagers of Dhinkia and Govindpur organised Palli Sabhas on 21st and 23rd of February 2011 respectively. We had sent the copies of the resolutions to the Odisha government authorities and the Environment Ministry for their information. The government authorities deliberately suppressed facts and declared in the government’s submission to the MOEF that such resolutions were fake and said that ‘only 69 and 64 … [read more]
Anti-imperialist forces in Manipur, India, ask for support
15/4/2011 · by Anti Imperialist Day observation Committee, Manipur
Mr. Sapamcha Kangleipal was arrested on charge of “sedition against the Government” and for “undermining the security of the State”, shortly after the public discussion. Besides, the police team forced to switch off the live broadcast of the public discussion through a local cable TV network (ISTV). The police team reportedly attempted to take him away forcibly at the very outset of the discussion. Soon after Mr. Kangleipal had completed his speech, a (special) police commando team also allegedly entered the hall and a policeman with a black scarf on his face would have pulled him. However, taking advantage of the presence of media and other participants, Mr. Kangleipal sneaked away and went to the dais, where he informed the panellists of the situation and a lawyer requested … [read more]
Indian state clearing way for MNC Posco violating her own laws
15/4/2011 · by Prashant Paikray
We have all the proofs and evidences showing that we have been living here for generations and depending on the forest land for our livelihood and there are Other Traditional Forest Dwellers present in the area. Two statutory committees constituted by the MoEF i.e. N C Saxena committee and Ms. Meena Gupta Committee found out clear violation of Forest Rights Act 2006 in the area and recommended the withdrawal of phase-I forest and environmental clearance given to the project. Three Gram Sabhas of the area have passed resolutions opposing the project in our area. Despite our opposition and documentary evidences, the state government is making an brazen attempt to cover up facts and file report in favour of POSCO. It has also closed its eyes on the serious damage the project would cause on … [read more]